Background: For effective control of Monkey pox (Mpox), clinicians need to have adequate knowledge of the disease and adopt appropriate practices to contain it. This study sought to assess the knowledge and practices of medical doctors regarding Monkey pox. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional desi...
Demissie, Zekewos;
Nurlegn, Serkalem;
Zemedkun, Nahom;
Demssis, Yidnekachew;
Mekuriy, Bethel;
Beyene, Eyob;
Getachew, Seifemichael;
Mekonnen, Desalew;
Birhanu, Yohannes;
Alemayehu, Brook;
Silesh, Nebiyat;
Sintayehu, Gelila;
Admasu, Dawit;
Zewdie, Kibruyisfaw.
Background Prior studies indicated increased antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia, with related health, economic, and environmental costs. Knowing an institutions and population microbiologic profile allows for proper antibi-otic treatment, which substantially impact patients’ outcomes such as healthca...
Udoh, E E;
Okorie, O;
Okpokowuruk, F S;
Udo, E;
Motilewa, O O;
Bassey, V;
Ikobah, J;
Adesina, S;
Ebunlomo, I;
Akpan, M;
Ekpo, L;
Uhegbu, K;
Umoh, R;
Nwazuluoke, B;
Johnson, O E;
Adeniyi, O.
Background:Moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) is a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality globally. The morbidity pattern of underfives with this condition is yet to be described. Objective: To describe the morbidity pattern of underfives with MAM.Method: Across sectional study was conducted i...
Background: Peripheral neuropathy is a serious complication of diabetes, which has socioeconomic consequences as well as a reduced quality of life. Early neuropathic process recognition and management could alter its course and considerably reduce the associated morbidity and mortality. This study determ...
Cet article porte sur les perceptions que les Enseignants-chercheurs de l’Université des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines Bamako ( (ULSHB) ont de l’Assurance Maladie Obligatoire. L’objectif du travail est d’analyser ces différentes perceptions. Au plan méthodologique, ...
Introduction : L’élaboration de prothèses dentaires nécessite la manipulation de plusieurs matériaux et produits chimiques favorisant l’exposition du Technicien de Laboratoire de Prothèse (TLP) à des risques professionnels. Cette étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer les moyens de protection ...
Keïta, M;
Coulibaly, B;
Sissoko, T;
Maïga, R;
Guindo, F;
Sanogo, M N;
Keïta, M M;
Samaké, D;
Sidibé, A;
Coulibaly, A;
Touré, M;
Traoré, H;
Diarra, A B.
Introduction : la survenue du cancer du sein chez l’homme est une indication du conseil génétique et doit être systématiquement recherchée. L’objectif de ce travail était de décrire les aspects histopathologiques et moléculaires des cancers de sein chez l’homme. Matériel et Méthodes :il s...
Introduction.Le traitement de la cataracte est chirurgical par extraction du cristallin opacifié selon diverses techniquesd’extractions telles quela phaco-exérèse avec émulsification du noyau aux Ultrasons (PKE ou Phaco E) et la phaco-exérèse avec extraction par mini-incisi...
Introduction: Prehospital care in many low- and middle-income countries is underdeveloped and needs strengthening for improved outcomes. Where formal prehospital care systems are under development, integration of a layperson first responder programme may help improve access for those in need. The World H...
Gastric polyps are not infrequently reported among cirrhotic patients. Endoscopic resection of gastric polyps among patients with liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices carries the risk of post-polypectomy bleeding. This may explain why endoscopists are reluctant to its excision.
The aim is ...