Results: 10

Prevalence of brain fag syndrome and its correlation with stimulant use and socioeconomic/demographic characteristics among university undergraduate students in Nigeria

Ibom Medical Journal; 17 (1), 2024
Background: Brain Fag Syndrome (BFS) is a culture-bound syndrome characterized by cognitive and somatic symptoms, commonly reported among African students. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of BFS among Nigerian university students and examine its associated factors. Methods: A cross-sectional...

Profil audiométrique des surdités à Brazzaville
Audiometric pattern of deafness in Brazzaville

Health sci. dis; 25 (2 suppl 1), 2024
Introduction. La surdité est une perturbation auditive correspondant à la diminution ou la suppression de la capacité d’entendre le son. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer le profil audiométrique de la surdité à Brazzaville Méthodologie. Il s’agissait d’une étude transversal...

Sexual harassment in public transport among female students at the Federal university of technology Akure, Nigeria

Background: Every day females experience different types of sexual harassment while using public transportation worldwide. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of sexual harassment amongst female students who travel by public transportation at the Federal University of Technology Akure ...

Evaluation du taux de survie des prothèses amovibles partielles supra implantaires: revue de la littérature de 2011 à 2021
Evaluation of removable partial dentures supported by implants: literary review

Introduction : La prothèse amovible partielle supraimplantaire permet de pallier le déficit de stabilité de la prothèse conventionnelle. L’objectif de cette étude était d’évaluer le taux de survie des prothèses amovibles partielles supra-implantaires à travers une revue de la littérature de...

Self-devised assistive techniques by university students with learning disabilities

Background: Access to assistive technology for disabilities is limited in low-resource settings. Therefore, existing research focuses on accessibility challenges. This article focuses on how students with learning disabilities manage learning in the absence of assistive technology, a subject that receive...

Learning management systems as a platform for information sharing during the COVID-19

S. Afr. J. Inf. Manag.; 25 (1), 2023
Background:During the outbreak of the deadly respiratory coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the 2019–2022 period, many South African institutions of higher learning adopted online learning management systems (LMS) to share information and salvage the academic project. This adoption was fraught with chal...

Knowledge and use of e-resources by medical researchers in Lagos State university college of medicine: A case study

Background: E-resources are one of the major sources of scientific information which provides the user with more precise and quick information. The completeness and quality of information accessible on electronic resources makes it dependable, reliable sources of information and knowledge production in t...

Psychological well-being, stressors, coping strategies and support of undergraduate healthcare students amid COVID-19

Background: Students function better academically when psychologically well. The COVID-19 pandemic proved a new challenge to the mental wellness of undergraduate healthcare students. Students were not only faced with academic changes but also had to complete clinical practice in healthcare facilities ami...

Evaluation of knowledge, prevalence and effects of opioid abuse among undergraduate students in a public university

In Nigeria currently, opioids are the second most widely used substances among young individuals after cannabis. A review of several literatures reported the prevalence of drug abuse, especially tramadol and codeine, among Nigerian students as 20% - 40%. The aim of this study was to determine the knowled...

Work-related psychological distress among teachers in southwest Nigeria: a rural and urban comparison

Background: The jobs of teachers involve high demand and low control, which predisposes them to psychological distress. Differences in the basic infrastructure in rural and urban areas may influence the psychological health status of teachers. Objectives: We assessed the prevalence of psychological distr...