Results: 407

Understanding Diversity in Impact and Responses among HIV/AIDS-Affected Households: the Case of Msinga; South Africa

To gain a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of HIV and AIDS on rural households in Msinga; South Africa; the sustainable livelihoods framework was adapted. An ethnographic perspective was employed to examine: 1) the impact of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses on people's mind and spirit (the intern...

Bridging the Gap between VCT and HIV/AIDS Treatment Uptake: Perspectives from a Mining-Sector Workplace in South Africa

This qualitative study sought to understand users' perceptions of the voluntary counselling and testing (VCT) and HIV-treatment services offered by a mining company in South Africa; with the intention of making recommendations to improve the rates of uptake. A purposive sample of 75 employees was intervi...

Prevalence of Drug-Drug Interactions of Antiretroviral Agents in the Private Health Care Sector in South Africa

SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j; 98 (2), 2008
Human immunodefiency virus (HIV) infection can be effectively treated with highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART); requiring concomitant administration of three to four different agents; often with a high potential for drug-drug interactions (DDIs). This study aimed to determine the prevalence of p...

Messages about Dual Contraception in Areas of High HIV Prevalence are not Heeded

SAMJ, S. Afr. med. j; 98 (4), 2008
Background : Dual protection is recommended for prevention of unwanted pregnancies and protection against sexually transmitted infections; including HIV. It is critical for HIV-negative women to prevent sero-conversion and HIV transmission to their infants during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Methods: Wom...