Total: 16583

Assistance Needed for the Integration of Orphaned and Vulnerable Children: Views of South African Family and Community Members

Guardianship within families is often regarded as the most viable and preferred option for orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC). However; this will place a considerably increased burden on the new caregivers of these children. This study examines whether assistance to prospective families would incline...

Compassion or Condemnation? South African Muslim Students' Attitudes to People with HIVetAIDS

Given the dearth of literature on the influence of religiosity on attitudes toward people with HIV/AIDS; the present study surveyed these variables in a sample of South African Muslim university students using the Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) and an attitude to people with HIV scale. Gender differen...

Social Constructions of Gender Roles; Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS in two Communities of the Western Cape; South Africa

The links between gender roles; gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS risk are complex and culturally specific. In this qualitative study we investigated how women and men in two black communities in the Western Cape; South Africa; constructed their gender identities and roles; how they understood gender-ba...

Maternal mortality trend in Ethiopia

Background: Maternal mortality ratio is one of the indicators in the MDG that is raising concern in achieving the set target of reducing the rate by two-third by 2015. Objectives: To review the maternal mortality trend and the causes of maternal deaths in Ethiopia. Methods: Review of published and unpubl...

Rethinking the economic costs of malaria at the household level: Evidence from applying a new analytical framework in rural Kenya

Malaria journal; 5 (76),
Background Malaria imposes significant costs on households and the poor are disproportionately affected. However; cost data are often from quantitative surveys with a fixed recall period. They do not capture costs that unfold slowly over time; or seasonal variations. Few studies investigate the different...