Results: 407

Seroprevalence of HIV and Frequencies of Haemoglobin Genotypes; ABO and Rh Blood Groups among Premarital Couples in Port Harcourt; Nigeria

Background: Premarital screening is fast gaining grounds as a pre-requisite condition for the solemnization of holy matrimony by many faith based organizations in Nigeria yet there is scanty literature on the subject.Methods: Fifty (50) premarital heterosexual couples (50 males and 50 females) were scree...

Analysis of Impact of HIV/AIDS upon Deaths Certified at Mosvold Hospital; Ingwavuma; Northern KwaZulu-Natal from January 2003 June 2006 and Possible Effect of Anti-retroviral Roll-out Program

Mosvold Hospital is a government district hospital situated in northern KwaZulu-Natal; a province with an antenatal HIV prevalence of 39. A previous study indicated that 45of deaths certified at Mosvold Hospital were due to HIV/AIDS. The antiretroviral roll-out programme commenced at Mosvold Hospital on ...

HIV/AIDS and Family Support Systems : A Situation Analysis of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Lagos State

Current statistics about the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Nigeria do not reveal the broader social and economic impacts of the disease on the family.The study therefore primarily aimed to address the socio-economic effects of HIV infection on individuals and their families.The study was carried out in Lagos Stat...

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type-1 and cytokines in Colostrum from HIV-infected Mothers in Burkina Faso

J. infect. dev. ctries; 1 (1), 2007
Background: The colostrum of HIV-infected mothers contains a high number of HIV copies and is considered highly infectious. Furthermore it contains large numbers of macro- phage and other mononuclear cells that are known to incorporate virus. While prevention protocols in Western countries suggest the in...

WHO Stage 3 Disease Conditions and Outcomes in Patients Started on Antiretroviral Therapy in Malawi

J. infect. dev. ctries; 1 (2), 2007
Background: In Malawi; WHO stage 3 is the commonest reason for HIV-infected patients to be started on antiretroviral therapy (ART). The aim of the study was to document disease conditions with which patients are classified in Stage 3 and their relationship to 6-month treatment outcomes. Methodology: A re...

Prevalence des infections opportunistes digestives parasitaires a Kinshasa (Republique Democratique du Congo). Resultats d'une enquete preliminaire chez 50 patients au stade SIDA

Médecine Tropicale; 67 (2), 2007
En Republique Democratique du Congo (RDC); comme dans de nombreux pays africains; le sida et son cortege d'infections opportunistes sont une cause majeure de morbidite et de mortalite. A Kinshasa; on estime entre 4 et 5le taux de prevalence de sujets infectes par le VIH; soit plus de 200 000 personnes (c...

Quality Standards in Provision of Facility Based HIV Care and Treatment: A Case Study from Dar Es Salaam Region; Tanzania

Objective: A cross- sectional descriptive study was conducted to assess the quality standards of health facilities providing antiretroviral treatment (ART) in Dar es Salaam from May to July 2005. Methods: All ten health facilities (both public and private) already designated by Ministry of Health (MOH) t...