Results: 16

Clinical governance and quality of health services in public health facilities: evidence from three councils in Tanzania

East Afr. Med. J; 100 (10), 2023
Objective: Our objective was to assess clinical governance and the quality of health services in public primary health facilities in three councils of Arusha Region. Participants: We conducted a study involving 270 clients from 19 primary health facilities in three councils in Arusha Region. Methods: We ...

An assessment on the implementation of same day antiretroviral therapy initiation in eThekwini clinics, KwaZulu‑Natal, South Africa

The World Health Organization (WHO) recom mends same day initiation (SDI) of antiretroviral therapy (ART) for all individuals diagnosed with HIV irrespective of CD4+ count or clinical stage. Implementation of program is still far from reaching its goals. This study assessed the level of implementation o...

Practices of pregnant women regarding tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy at one primary health care clinic in Southern Namibia

Tobacco and alcohol use during pregnancy has negative consequences for the fetus. The study's purpose was to investigate the practices of pregnant women regarding the use of tobacco and alcohol during pregnancy. A quantita tive research approach with a descriptive, cross sectional, ...

Déterminants de la supplémentation en vitamine A chez les enfants âgés de 6 à 59 mois au Sénégal en 2017: Étude transversale

La supplémentation en vitamine A (SVA) est une des stratégies de prévention de la carence en vitamine A. L’objectif était d’étudier les déterminants de la SVA au Sénégal. Ils’agissait d’une analyse secondaire de l’enquête démographique et de santé conduite en 2017. Un échantillonnag...

L’inaccessibilité aux soins dans les urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Cocody: Une problématique institutionnelle et sociétale

La présente étude, fondée sur l’approche qualitative et analytique, a pour objectif principal d’analyser les facteurs explicatifs de l’inaccessibilité aux soins dans le service des urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire(CHU)de Cocodyqui est l’une des structures sanitaires ...

Evaluation of the Mozambique Antiretroviral Therapy (MozART) database as an antiretroviral therapy patient surveillance system, 2017-2018

Pan Afr. med. j; 42 (137), 2022
Mozambique antiretroviral therapy is a database used to monitor patients receiving antiretroviral treatment (ART). This study's objective was to evaluate the system for the purpose to monitor patients receiving ART. Methods: data from 287,052 patients who started ART from January to December 2017 were v...