Results: 22

Cellulite cervico-faciale à l’hôpital national Ignace Deen de Conakry: résultats d’une étude de 5 ans
Cervico-facial cellulitis at the Ignace Deen hospital in Conakry: results of a 5-year study

Introduction : La cellulite cervico-faciale est une diffusion cellulaire d’un foyer infectieux vers les tissus cellulo-adipeux du cou et de la face, avec une prédominance des anaérobies et des germes commensaux de la flore orale. L’objectif de ce travail était de contribuer à l’amélioration de...

Cellulites cervico-faciales graves, morbidité et mortalité: à propos de 150 cas au CHU Yalgado Ouédraogo au Burkina Faso
Severe cervico-facial cellulitis, morbidity and mortality: concerning 150 cases at CHU Yalgado Ouedraogo in Burkina Faso

Introduction : Les cellulites cervico-faciales graves sont des infections redoutables de par leur extension locorégionale et à distance mais aussi de par le pronostic vital qu’elles peuvent engager. L’objectif de cette étude était d’étudier la morbi-mortalité des cellulites cervico-faciales g...

Causes de décès au service de médecine de l’hôpital régional de Sikasso
Causes of death in the medicine department of the regional hospital of Sikasso

Mali méd. (En ligne); 38 (3), 2023
Les causes de décès revêtent une grande importance dans l'évaluation de l'état de santé de la population et de la qualité des soins. Leur étude pourrait orienter les politiques de santé visant à accroître l'espérance de vie. Objectifs : C’était de déterminer les causes de mort ; d’étud...

Performance of two SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen detection tests in resource limited settings, the case of Mali

Introduction: While real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) is the recommended laboratory method to diagnose severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection, its use in resource limited settings can be difficult to maintain due to high testing demand and shortage of reagents. ...

Hernies pariétales au CHU Souro Sanou de Bobo Dioulasso: profil sociodémographique, diagnostique et thérapeutique
Parietal hernias at the CHU Souro Sanou in Bobo Dioulasso: sociodemographic, diagnostic and therapeutic profile

But : étudier le profil sociodémographique, diagnostique et thérapeutique des hernies pariétales au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou. Patients et méthodes Il s’est agi d’une étude transversale descriptive allant du 1ier janvier au 31 décembre 2022. Les patients opérés pour une h...

The burden of healthcare-associated infection in Moroccan hospitals: systematic review and meta-analysis

Healthcare-associated infections (HAI), also referred to as nosocomial infections, is defined as an infection acquired in a hospital setting. This infection is considered a HAI if it was not present or incubating at the time of admission. This includes infections acquired in the hospital but appearing af...

Antibiotic safety among neonates and paediatrics in a public hospital: KwaZulu-Natal

Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines recommend the empiric treatment of infections before definitive treatment begins. However, ethical concerns limit the availability of clinical trials in neonates and paediatrics to fully ascertain the safety profile of antibiotics in these popula...

Wind-driven roof turbines’ effectiveness in enhancing household ventilation: a potential tool to reduce tuberculosis infection

Background: South Africa’s overburdened healthcare systems have led to criticism of its unsustainable tuberculosis management interventions. In 2011, the National Department of Health implemented an outpatient, decentralised care model, but this increased costs and jeopardised the long-term viability o...

Monitoring progress on antimicrobial resistance response in the WHO African Region: insights from the TrACSS 2021. Results for the Human Health Sector

Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major 21st Century global health challenge. The WHO African Region Member States committed to develop and implement multisectoral national action plans (NAPs) that address AMR, in line with the Global Action Plan (GAP). Objective: The aim of this paper is ...

Malaria prevalence and associated additional risk factors among children under-five years who sleep under insecticide treated nets in Zambia

Med. j. Zambia; 50 (4), 2023
Background:Insecticide Treated Nets are one of the backbones of malaria prevention in Africa where the vector mosquitos bite at night and prefer humans for feeding. Children who sleep under Insecticide Treated Nets though protected still get malaria infections. This study aimed to assess the risk factors...