Results: 13

Prévalence et facteurs de risque des infections associées aux soins dans trois hôpitaux nationaux de la ville de Conakry. Guinée
Prevalence and risk factors of healthcare-associated infections in three national hospitals in the city of Conakry. Guinea

Objectif. Cette étude avait pour objectif de déterminer la prévalence et les facteurs liés aux infections associées aux soins dans les hôpitaux nationaux de Conakry. Méthodes. la collecte des données et des prélèvements a été réalisée pendant trois jours du dans les hôpitaux nationaux. Vin...

The role of Escherichia coli in the etiology of piglet diarrhea in selected pig producing districts of central Uganda

Background: Pig production in Uganda is highly constrained by rampant piglet mortalities with diarrhea being a key feature. The present study was conducted to determine possible involvement of Escherichia coli (E. coli) as agents of diarrhea in piglets and elucidate the factors for their spread and virul...

Phenotypic identification of soil bacterial and fungal communities inhabiting an archaeological monument at Augustine University, Ilara Epe, southwest Nigeria

Background: The Sungbo Eredo Monument is an ancient public work with a system of defensive walls and ditches located in Eredo Local Council Development Area of Epe, Lagos State, southwest Nigeria. A huge section of the monument cuts through the Augustine University campus, forming two-sided vertical wall...