Results: 21

Cervical cancer screening awareness and uptake among under-screened women in a rural Nigerian community

Background: Cervical cancer is the most frequent female genital tract malignancy in Nigeria, with the majority of patients suffering from advanced stages of the disease. A low level of awareness and knowledge of cervical cancer and screening has been identified as oneof the causes of cervical screening u...

Screening for eye diseases in a University community in Southwest Nigeria

Background – University, a subset of the general population, will expectedly have common ocular problems as prevalent in the population. Knowing these problems as done through screening and health education during WSD activities in 2017 thus raise awareness for their prevention. This study was aimed ...

Implementation and contribution of temperature screening and handwashing practice at points of entry for COVID-19 pandemic response in a humanitarian crisis setting

Pan Afr. med. j; 43 (), 2022
Introduction: over the last decade, insecurity in the Lake Chad Basin has triggered an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the Niger´s Diffa Region with a significant population movement. In this humanitarian setting, we reviewed the implementation process and the contribution of temperature screening ...

Indirect serum biomarkers perform sub optimally in screening for significant liver fibrosis among HIV-infected and uninfected adults in Uganda

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
ntroduction: Indirect serum biomarkers present an acceptable noninvasive and cheap alternative for screening of significant liver fibrosis (SLF). Evaluation of their use in resource limited settings is important to determine their utility. Methods: We conducted a cross sectional study among 520 HIV infec...

Perception on cervical cancer and enhancing strategies to screening uptake among women in Bamenda, Cameroon: A qualitative method

The treatment of cervical cancer has a good prognosis if diagnosed early. Hence, screening is very vital. The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception of women on cervical cancer and strategies to enhance its screening uptake in the city of Bamenda, Cameroon. Qualitative study was carried out fro...

Profil épidémiologique des patients consultants et des cas positifs Covid-19 de l’unité de triage EHU Oran (mars 2020 - août 2020)
Epidemiological profile of consulting patients and Covid-19 positive cases in the triage unit - EHU Oran (March 2020 - August 2020)

Introduction. En décembre 2019, la population de Wuhan, une grande ville chinoise de 11 millions d’habitants, est atteinte par une pneumonie virale extrêmement contagieuse due au coronavirus SARSCoV-2. En Algérie, le premier cas a été identifié le 25 février 2020, un plan de riposte national él...

Comparative yield of different active TB case finding interventions in a large urban TB project in central Uganda: a descriptive study

Afr. health sci.; 21 (3), 2021
Introduction: Systematic screening for TB among patients presenting to care and among high risk populations is recom- mended to improve TB case finding. We aimed to describe the comparative yield of three TB screening approaches imple- mented by a large urban TB project in central Uganda. Methods: We a...

Young People’s Knowledge of Sickle Cell Disease and Willingness for Genotype Screening in Ibadan, Nigeria

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) is prevalent in Nigeria with 150,000 new cases yearly, owing to poor knowledge, poverty and lack of screening. This study investigated knowledge and willingness to undergo genotype screening among young people who might be contemplating marriage or reproduction during or soon af...

Fibromyalgie associée à la gonarthrose: prévalence, caractéristiques épidémiologiques, et son impact sur le traitement
Fibromyalgia associated with knee osteoarthritis: prevalence, epidemiological characteristics, and impact on its treatment

Contexte et objectifs. Les patients souffrant de syndrome fibromyalgique sont fréquemment rencontrés en pratique clinique et déconcertent bien souvent les médecins. Notre étude a pour but de déterminer la prévalence de la fibromyalgie chez les patients gonarthrosiques, son impact sur la présentat...

Diabète gestationnel (DG) en consultation prénatale: dépistage systématique dans un centre de sante urbain de Conakry
Gestational Diabetes in Antenatal Consultation: Systematic Screening In an Urban Health Center of Conakry

Contexte. Pathologie obstétricale fréquente en Guinée, souvent de découverte fortuite, car il n’y a pas de dépistage systématique. L’objectif : était de déterminer la prévalence du diabète gestationnel (DG) en consultation prénatale dans un centre de santé urbain de la ville de Conakry. M...