An emergency is an unexpected event that disrupts normal operations within a
health facility and requires immediate interventions to address it. Knowledge of
emergency preparedness is an important role of clinical nursing to enhance patient
outcomes. This study aimed to determine the types of ...
Objectives: Cervical precancer screening programs are difficult to establish in low resource settings partly because of a lack of human resource. Our aiming was to overcome this challenge. We hypothesized that this could be done through task shifting to trained nurses.
Design: Descriptive retrospective ...
The Glasgow Coma Scale is a dependable and objective neurological assessment instrument used for determining and recording a patient's level of consciousness. Therefore, the knowledge, practice, and factors affecting Glasgow coma scale evaluation among nurses working in adult intensive care units of fede...
Background: Globally, critical care outreach services (CCOS) were implemented in health care facilities; however, compliance with guidelines is poor. The authors have noticed that a gap exists in the literature on how self-leadership might influence nurses’ implementation of CCOS. Self-leadership is ab...
Interactions between healthcare users and providers are an essential but often problematic element in therapeutic processes. In many settings worldwide, there has been a general recognition of the importance of adopting care approaches that understand patients as active agents, moving away from tradition...