Results: 38

Exploring key-stakeholder perceptions on non-communicable disease care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya

Pan Afr. med. j; 44 (NA), 2023
Introduction: over one third of total Disability-Adjusted-Life-Years lost in Kenya are due to non-communicable diseases (NCD). In response, the Government declared significant commitment towards improving NCD care. The COVID-19 pandemic increased the burden on the already overstretched health systems in ...

Problématique de la prise en charge du paludisme chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans dans le district sanitaire d’Abidjan: cas du versant gourou au plateau Dokui
Malaria management issues for children aged 0-5 years in the Abidjan health district the case of the guru slope in Dokui plateau

La présente étude analyse les réalités sociales de la prise en charge du paludisme chez les enfants de 0 à 5 ans vivants aux abords du versant gourou d’Abobo Plateau Dokui. Elle a permis de mettre en évidence d’une part, les déterminants sociaux du maintien des populations aux abords du versan...

Female genital mutilation and male involvement: Insights of men and women in two counties in Kenya

This qualitative study, conducted in Meru and Kajiado counties in Kenya, explored the perceptions and attitudes of men and women regarding male involvement in FGM in order to inform the design of male involvement strategies in FGM abandonment. We used focus group discussions to collect the data which was...

Perceptions, knowledge and exercises of sexual and reproductive health rights and associated factors among adolescents in East Arsi Zone, Ethiopia: A sequential explanatory mixed method study

Sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHRs) are the rights of all people regardless of their age, sex and other characteristics to make choices about their own reproductive issues. This study aimed to explore and describe adolescents’ perceptions, knowledge and exercises of SRHR and associated factor...

Caregivers' perception and determinants of delayed presentation of children with severe malaria in an emergency room in Benin City, Nigeria

Niger. Postgrad. Med. J.; 29 (3), 2022
Introduction: Severe malaria is a leading cause of mortality due to late presentation to health facilities. Hence, there is a need to identify and mitigate factors promoting delayed presentation with severe malaria. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate determinants of delayed presentation of children ...

Perceptions and Willingness to Undertake Transvaginal Sonography by Women at the Sally Mugabe Central Hospital, Zimbabwe

Med. j. Zambia; 49 (2), 2022
ntroduction: The acceptability and willingness to undergo Transvaginal Sonography by the patients havegeneratedmixedreactionsindifferenthealthcare settings. There is little that is known aboutZimbabweanwomen'sperceptionsandwillingness to undergo Transvaginal Sonography and there are no specific guideline...

Carbohydrate counting in type 1 diabetes mellitus: dietitians’ perceptions, training and barriers to use

Objectives A study was undertaken to determine the perceptions, training and barriers regarding the use of carbohydrate counting in the dietary management of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) among dietitians in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN). Design A cross-sectional, descriptive study was conducted. Setting Dietiti...

Maternity healthcare providers’ self-perceptions of well-being during COVID-19: A survey in Tshwane Health District, South Africa

Background: Mental health manifestations such as depression and anxiety disorders became more marked during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic as frontline healthcare workers struggled to maintain high-quality intrapartum care and essential health services. Aim: This study aimed to identify...

Perceptions of nurses on TB with HIV adherence counselling skills in a health sub-district, Cape Town: A qualitative study

Background: People living with HIV (PLHIV) co-infected with Tuberculosis (TB) account for one in three HIV-related deaths. Retention in care and adherence to medication remain key behaviours that PLHIV co-infected with TB must adopt to achieve better health outcomes. Nevertheless, TB with HIV adherence-c...