Results: 13

WhatsApp as a support strategy for emergency nursing students during the COVID‑19 pandemic

Students in emergency nursing had already commenced their postbasic training at universities when the Higher Education Institutions were compelled to discontinue face-to-face contact with students and switched to various online modes of delivering content and facilitating learning in response to the gove...

Students’ prior knowledge and skills in computer and internet use: An exploration of incoming first year undergraduate health sciences students at Gulu University, Uganda

Internet has provided infrastructure that enables access to a variety of information resources for use by medical students at Gulu University in Northern Uganda. However, little attention has been put to explore prior internet knowledge of undergraduate medical students in Uganda. Cross-sectional researc...

Fórum de pós-graduação: experiência e lições aprendidas

O presente artigo apresenta os objectivos, a metodologia, e uma visão geral da experiência e das lições aprendidas nos dois fóruns de pós-graduação realizados no Instituto Nacional de Saúde (INS) em Março de 2016 e (mês) de 2017.. A iniciativa de implementar fóruns de pós-graduação surge p...