Background: Intimate partner violence has globally been recognized as a public health problem that has serious adverse effects on the victim, the family and the society at large. Objectives: To determine the prevalence and pattern of intimate partner violence among women and the association with sociodem...
Background: Every day females experience different types of sexual harassment while using public transportation worldwide. Objective: This study aims to determine the prevalence of sexual harassment amongst female students who travel by public transportation at the Federal University of Technology Akure ...
Background: The use of blended learning (BL) pedagogy has become inevitable due to contemporary technological innovations in the nursing education sector. As of late, the need to use BL pedagogy has resulted by the sudden occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, several nurse educators still experie...
Background: Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major 21st Century global health challenge. The WHO African Region Member States committed to develop and implement multisectoral national action plans (NAPs) that address AMR, in line with the Global Action Plan (GAP).
Objective: The aim of this paper is ...
Drug Resistance, Microbial,
Health Strategies,
Surveys and Questionnaires,
La santé mentale des agriculteurs semble être déterminante dans l’adaptation aux effets des changements climatiques. Cet article fait la synthèse des écrits existant sur lasanté mentale, les facteurs qui y sont associés et l’adaptation des populations face aux effets des variabilit...
Cet article s’intéresse aux rôlesdes perceptionssocio-économiquesdansl’adhésion et lerecours à la Couverture Maladie Universelle(CMU)à Ziguinchor. En effet, la CMU est un programmenationald’assurance santé lancé en 2013 par le gouvernement du Sénégal. Ce programme s’appuie sur les mutue...
Universal Health Coverage,
Insurance, Health,
Community-Based Health Insurance,
Patient Compliance,
Surveys and Questionnaires,
Background: The rise of occupational traumatic upper limb injuries, especially in the developing world, has largely been attributed to industrialisation. Inadequate occupational injury reporting systems and occupational health policies in the sub-Saharan region have resulted in limited research and publi...
The study explores the perceived causes of change in sexual risk behaviour among Nigerian adolescents over the past years. By embedding the results into a theoretical context, the study aims to further develop interventions targeting adolescent sexual health.
To do so, 23 semi-structured interviews are c...
Objectives: Birth defects are universal problems associated with poor management outcomes in children,especially in developing countries where its burden is enormous. Media advocacy is believed to help in reducing these poor outcomes. This study assessed the level of awareness of birth defects in women a...
The main objective of the study was to assess the magnitude of women’s intention to use long-acting and permanent contraceptive methods and associated factors among short term family planning users in Addis Ababa public health centers, Ethiopia, 2020. A
Facility-based cross-sectional study design was i...