Results: 23

Hospital-acquired infections in patients with surgical infections at a tertiary hospital in Kigali, Rwanda: A prospective observational study

East Cent Afr J Surg.; 28 (4), 2023
Introduction Hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) account for a substantial burden on healthcare systems, with surgical site infections being the most common. Limited data exist on HAIs in low-resource settings, particularly device-associated HAIs. This study aimed to characterize the incidence and diffe...

A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of clinical and radiological outcomes following pediatric ureteric reimplantation at a tertiary hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

East Cent Afr J Surg.; 28 (4), 2023
Background: Open ureteric reimplantation is considered to be the gold standard treatment for numerous anomalies involving vesico-ureteric junction. The study was conducted to determine the outcome of ureteric reimplantation surgeries in terms of clinical and radiologic improvement. Methods: A retrospecti...

Blood culture contamination in the departments of paediatrics and child health at two tertiary training hospitals in central South Africa

S. Afr. med. j; 112 (2), 2022
Background. Bloodstream infections are an important cause of mortality in children. Blood cultures (BCs) remain the primary means of identifying organisms and their antibiotic susceptibility profiles. A shortcoming of BCs is that up to 56% of positive cultures will represent contaminants. Poor adherence ...

Knowledge of the national health act among physicians in two tertiary hospitals in Southern Nigeria

Babcock Univ. Med. J; 5 (2), 2022
Objective: Knowledge of provisions of the National Health Act among physicians and stakeholders is pivotal to its successful implementation. This study aimed to assess the knowledge of the National Health Act (NHA) among Physicians in two tertiary hospitals in Nigeria. Methods: This was a cross-sectional...

Short Term Visual and Refractive Outcome following Surgical Intervention forPosterior Capsule Opacification (PCO) in Children in a Tertiary Eye Hospital

West Afr. j. med; 39 (11), 2022
BACKGROUND: PCO occurs commonly postoperatively followingcataract extraction in children, obscuring vision as did the initialcataract. It may require a second surgical procedure when it is dense.It is expected that this results in restoration of vision and it is importantto ascertain that this ...

An Evaluation of Renal Care received by Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV) Patients admitted in a Tertiary Hospital in Sierra Leone

West Afr. j. med; 39 (11), 2022
INTRODUCTION: The burden of HIV is on the rise and patientswith HIV are also vulnerable to renal impairment from bothacute and chronic causes. This study sets out to evaluate renalcare received by such patients.METHODS: The study was conducted at Connaught Hospital,the main tertiary hospital (for...

Diagnostic urethrocystoscopy: A five-year review of indications and findings in a tertiary hospital in Nigeria

Ibom Medical Journal15; 15 (3), 2022
Background:Urethrocystoscopy is defined as endoscopic visualization of the urethra and the urinary bladder for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment of diseases of the lower urinary tract.Objective: To study the indications, diagnosis and complications of diagnostic urethrocystoscopy in our hospital.Mate...

Factors motivating intent to leave amongst radiographers employed by public tertiary hospitals in the Gauteng Province, South Africa

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
Background: The elements of job satisfaction can be categorized into intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The presence of a higher level of intrinsic factors will result in increased motivation amongst employees, whilst extrinsic factors will result in job dissatisfaction. Decreased job satisfaction levels a...

Patient satisfaction with intraoral examination in a Nigerian tertiary hospital

Objectives: While studies on satisfaction following medical procedures are well documented, but this is not so with dental procedures. Therefore, this study aims to determine the level of satisfaction in patient undergoing intraoral examination (IOE). Material and Methods: Consecutive patients attending ...

Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of plasmid-mediated AmpC beta-lactamases in enteric Gram-negative bacteria from patients with lower respiratory tract infections in a tertiary hospital, southwest Nigeria

Background: AmpC or class C or group 1 beta lactamases are class C cephalosporinases that hydrolyse a wide variety of beta-lactam antibiotics including alpha methoxy beta-lactams (cefoxitin), narrow and broad spectrum cephalosporins. This study was conducted to characterize plasmid-mediated AmpC producin...