Results: 407

Social Support and Health Behaviour in Women Living with HIV in KwaZulu-Natal

The article explores the relationship between social support and health behaviour of rural and urban women who are living with HIV in South Africa. Our study was a descriptive survey of a group of pregnant and non-pregnant women living with HIV. The sample size was 262 women; 165 from urban area and 97 f...

I Just Ended Up here; no Job and no Health...' : Men's Outlook on Life in the Context of Economic Hardship and HIV/AIDS in Namibia

Based on ethnographic material from northern and central Namibia; this article provides insight into the views and experiences of primarily unemployed and poor men; and the dilemmas with which they are confronted due to lack of life opportunities. For these men; poverty and lack of agency may lead to los...

New Approaches; New activities and New Outcomes in International Conferences on HIV/AIDS in Africa: Report of the 3rd African Conference on the Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS; Dakar; 10-14 October 2005

Africa's HIV/AIDS situation remains cause for concern. The impact of HIV is considerable and threatens the survival and development of African societies. Although much has been attempted; the results still leave much to be desired. AIDS is an epidemic that needs to be addressed with much creativity and s...