Results: 75

Traditional healers as client advocates in the HIV-endemic region of maputo, mozambique: results from a qualitative study

Sahara J (Online); 18 (1), 2021
Traditional healers are commonly utilised throughout sub-Saharan Africa instead of - and in concert with - biomedical facilities. Traditional healers are trusted providers and prominent community members and could be important partners in improving engagement with HIV services in endemic contexts. Our st...

Cyclone Idai as a Trigger for Pellagra Outbreak in Nhamatanda, Mozambique: A Case-Control Study

Am. j. trop. med. hyg; 108 (8), 2021
In mid-June 2019, 3 months after cyclone Idai landfall in Mozambique, health authorities of Nhamatanda district reported an outbreak of Pellagra. Applying a mixed-method protocol, we carried out an investigation to characterize cases of pellagra, identify the associated factors for the outbreak using a c...

Incremental impact on malaria incidence following indoor residual spraying in a highly endemic area with high standard ITN access in Mozambique: results from a cluster-randomized study

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (1), 2021
Attaining the goal of reducing the global malaria burden is threatened by recent setbacks in maintaining the effectiveness of vector control interventions partly due to the emergence of pyrethroid resistant vectors. One potential strategy to address these setbacks could be combining indoor residual spray...

Estimating HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis need and impact in Malawi, Mozambique and Zambia: A geospatial and risk-based analysis

PloS med; 18 (1), 2021
Background Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), a WHO-recommended HIV prevention method for people at high risk for acquiring HIV, is being increasingly implemented in many countries. Setting programmatic targets, particularly in generalised epidemics, could incorporate estimates of the size of the populatio...

In vivo efficacy and safety of artemetherlumefantrine and amodiaquine–artesunate for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Mozambique, 2018

Malar. j. (Online); 20 (390), 2021
Background: Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) has been the recommended first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria in Mozambique since 2006, with artemether–lumefantrine (AL) and amodiaquine–artesunate (AS–AQ) as the first choice. To assess efficacy of currently used ACT, an in vivo...

Efeitos paradoxais da pandemia da COVID-19 em Moçambique
Paradoxical Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mozambique

A disseminação global do SARS-CoV-2 decorre a um ritmo veloz. Menos de um ano após a sua detecção pela primeira vez na China, já foram notificadas mais de 32 milhões de pessoas infectadas em cerca de 200 países e territórios.1 O impacto da COVID-19, a doença causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 em humanos, ...

Medidas de Prevenção e Controlo da COVID-19 no Ambiente Hospitalar: O Exemplo do Instituto Do Coração
Prevention and Control Measures of COVID-19 in the Hospital Environment: The Example of Heart Institute

precaução transmissão cruzada e a importância de consciencializar e actualizar os profissionais de saúde sobre as medidas e os riscos de contaminação intra-hospitalar....

Efeitos Paradoxais da Pandemia da COVID-19 em Moçambique
Paradoxical Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mozambique

A disseminação global do SARS-CoV-2 decorre a um ritmo veloz. Menos de um ano após a sua detecção pela primeira vez na China, já foram notificadas mais de 32 milhões de pessoas infectadas em cerca de 200 países e territórios. O impacto da COVID-19, a doença causada pelo SARS-CoV-2 em humanos, j...

Cancer in Mozambique: Results from two population-based cancer registries

Int. j. cancer; 147 (6), 2020
Results from two recently established population-based registries in Mozambique are reported: Beira in the central region (2014-2017) and Maputo, the capital city, in the South (2015-2017). The results are compared to those from Maputo (Lourenço Marques at the time) in 1956-1960 (appearing Cancer Incide...

National HIV testing and diagnosis coverage in sub-Saharan Africa: a new modeling tool for estimating the 'first 90' from program and survey data

AIDS (Lond.); 33 (3), 2019
HIV testing services (HTS) are a crucial component of national HIV responses. Learning one's HIV diagnosis is the entry point to accessing life-saving antiretroviral treatment and care. Recognizing the critical role of HTS, the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) launched the 90-90-90 tar...