Results: 92

Depression and Burnout among Health Extension Workers in Ethiopia: A Cross-Sectional Study

Ethiop. j. health sci; 33 (1), 2023
BACKGROUND: Depression and burnout are common among healthcare workers (HCWs) and negatively affect their well being and the quality of the service they provide. However, the burden of depression and burnout among health extension workers (HEWs) in Ethiopia and their relationship has not been documented ...

Molecular and serological pattern of Toxoplasma gondii among rural population in four regions of Gabon

Toxoplasma gondii is an obligatory intracellular parasite that causes a zoonotic disease capable of infecting nearly all warm-blooded hosts, including humans. However, reports on the molecular prevalence of T. gondii in humans are rare in Gabon. The present study aimed to evaluate the serological and mol...

Evaluate the incidence, topography, management, and outcomes in patients with polytrauma in the Suez Canal and Sinai areas

Introduction: The global prevalence of trauma-related mortality ranges from 2% to 32%; however, In Egypt, it reaches 8%. Trauma chiefly affects people in the productive age group; seriously ill patients with multiple injuries present with various levels of polytrauma. Application of incorrect triage syst...

Prevalence and seroprevalence of COVID-19 in suspected malaria during the second wave in Yaounde, Cameroon

Health sci. dis; 24 (2 Suppl 1), 2023
Background. The COVID-19 pandemic has added an additional burden in countries with already fragile health systems. Our objective was to determine the prevalence and seroprevalence of COVID-19 in suspected malaria during the second wave in Yaounde. Methods. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducte...

Association of intestinal helminthic infection and nutritional status of primary school children in Gombe State, Nigeria

Background: Intestinal helminthic infections are among the commonest infections worldwide. It often affects the poorest communities and has similar geographic distribution with malnutrition. Intestinal helminthic infection contributes to undernutrition through subtle reduction in digestion and absorption...

Sepsis et choc septique en réanimation à Brazzaville (Congo)
Sepsis and septic shock in polyvalent intensive care at Brazzaville (Congo)

Health sci. dis; 24 (1), 2023
Objectifs. Décrire les aspects cliniques, bactériologiques et évolutifs du sepsis et du choc septique dans le service de réanimation polyvalente du CHUB. Patients et méthodes. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale, monocentrique et descriptive, durant 12 mois, incluant les patients âgés d’a...

Exploring a community’s understanding of HIV vaccine-induced seropositivity in a South African research setting

S. Afr. med. j. (Online); 113 (1), 2023
Background. The high HIV prevalence and incidence in South Africa makes it suitable for recruitment of participants for large-scale HIV preventive vaccine trials. However, fear of vaccine-induced seropositivity (VISP) may be a barrier for community acceptability of the trial, for volunteers to participat...

Adolescents’ lived experiences of substance abuse in the Greater Giyani Municipality

Curationis; 46 (1), 2023
Background: Adolescence is a unique and distinct stage of development that involves changes in the physical, psychological and social aspects of adolescents. It is a critical transition into adulthood whereby heightened risk-taking and sensation-seeking takes place, such as substance abuse. In a South Af...

Sex-related differential prevalence of central obesity in diabetes mellitus: a multi-centred survey in North-Central Nigeria

Contrary to the old dictum that central obesity is more common among men than women, recent reports have shown a gradual reversal of this trend, as suggested by some studies. Objective: To compare the prevalence of central obesity among men and women with Diabetes mellitus in NorthCentral Nigeria. Metho...

Prevalence of non-communicable diseases among HIV positive patients on antiretroviral therapy at a tertiary health facility in Makurdi, north-central, Nigeria

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) treatment program has grown exponentially in Nigeria largely due to improved Antiretroviral therapy (ART) regimen which has changed the course of HIV/AIDs by enabling patients to live longer, raising concern of the co-existence of HIV with other...