Results: 422

Artemisinin drug resistance and monitoring: a narrative review

Artemisinin drug resistance is one of the major reasons for malaria treatment failures in the sub-Saharan African countries where artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) is the first-line treatment for uncomplicated malaria. The occurrence of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) is found to correla...

Goitre plongeant: Particularités cliniques et thérapeutiques

: Etudier les caractéristiques cliniques, radiologiques et thérapeutiques des goitres plongeants et établir un arbre décisionnel de prise en charge Méthodes: Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective portant sur 67 cas de goitre plongeant colligés sur une période de 27 ans entre 1990 et 2016. Ré...

Rectal artesunate for severe malaria, implementation research, Zambia

Bull. W.H.O. (Online); 101 (6), 2023
Objective To determine whether the positive results of a single-district pilot project focused on rectal artesunate administration at the community level in Zambia could be replicated on a larger scale. Methods In partnership with government, in 10 rural districts during 2018–2021 we: (i) trained commu...

Knowledge of alcohol consumers towards alcoholic liver disease in Afikpo, Ebonyi, Nigeria A community-based cross-sectional study

Ethiop. Med. j; 61 (2), 2023
Background: Daily alcohol consumption above recommended limits is an important cause of Alcoholic Lher Disease. Hence, this study aimed to assess the knowledge of Alcoholic Liver Disease among alcohol consumers and screenfor alcohol misuse, dependence, and disorder. Methods: A community-based cross-secti...

Hémopathies malignes de l’adulte à Kinshasa: analyse documentaire d’une série des cas de 2011 à 2021

Contexte et objectif. Les hémopathies malignes (HM) constituent un problème majeur de santé publique en Afrique sub-saharienne où les moyens de prise en charge sont limités. L’objectif de l’étude était de décrire les aspects diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs observées dans la pris...

Perception and willingness to the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine among household-heads in a rural community of South-Western Nigeria

Background:The COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccine have been met with varying perceptions that may have both negative and positive effects on the willingness to uptake the COVID-19 vaccine. The study is set to determine the perception and willingness of the household ...

Comparative HPV genotype distribution among women with normal and abnormal cervical cytology in Yaoundé, Cameroon

Background: The epidemiology of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and the pattern of HPV genotype distribution are parameters needed to assess the risk of cervical cancer. Oncogenic HPV types are well-known pathogen for lower genital tract neoplasias, representing the primary cause of cancer death in ...

Self-medication among inhabitants of Yaounde, Cameroon: Pull and push factors

The rampant practice of self-medication is indicative of very strong existing push and pulls factors. These factors could be economic, social or systemic. Despite having some beneficial effects, selfmedication has life-threatening consequences. This study was aimed to determine the factors which push us...

Factors associated with COVID-19 fatality among patients admitted in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe 2020-2022: a secondary data analysis

Pan Afr. med. j; 44 (142), 2023
Introduction: approximately 15% of COVID-19 patients develop symptoms necessitating admission. From 2020 to 2022, Mashonaland West Province had an institutional case fatality rate of 23% against a national rate of 7%. Therefore, we evaluated the COVID-19 admissions in the province to determine the factor...

Les urgences urologiques dans deux hôpitaux universitaires de Douala: une étude rétrospective (2016-2020)

Pan Afr. med. j; 44 (142), 2023
Introduction: les urgences en urologie sont des situations urologiques critiques qui nécessitent une intervention rapide par un professionnel de santé qualifié en urologie. Cette étude a été menée dans le but de ressortir le profil des urgences urologiques reçues dans deux hôpitaux universitaire...