Results: 413

HIV-1 and pregnant women: associated factors; prevalence; estimate of incidence and role in fetal wastage in central Africa

AIDS (Lond.); 4 (8), 1990
The major goals of this study were to measure the current prevalence and estimate the annual incidence of HIV-1 infection in young pregnant women from urban Malawi; to identify factors that were associated with HIV-1 infection; and to examine adverse pregnancy outcomes. Four hundred and sixty-one consecu...

Evaluation of the Nigerian National Antiretroviral (ARV) Treatment Training Programme

There is an understanding that greater availability of HIV treatment for the 40.3 million people currently infected with HIV is a humanitarian imperative that could prolong the lives of millions; restore economic productivity; and stabilise societies in some of the world's hardest-hit regions. The Nigeri...

Compassion or Condemnation? South African Muslim Students' Attitudes to People with HIVetAIDS

Given the dearth of literature on the influence of religiosity on attitudes toward people with HIV/AIDS; the present study surveyed these variables in a sample of South African Muslim university students using the Religious Orientation Scale (ROS) and an attitude to people with HIV scale. Gender differen...

Social Constructions of Gender Roles; Gender-Based Violence and HIV/AIDS in two Communities of the Western Cape; South Africa

The links between gender roles; gender-based violence and HIV/AIDS risk are complex and culturally specific. In this qualitative study we investigated how women and men in two black communities in the Western Cape; South Africa; constructed their gender identities and roles; how they understood gender-ba...