Results: 68

Mort in utero tardive: fréquence, facteurs associés et méthodes de déclenchement du travail à Kisangani, République Démocratique du Congo
Late fetal death: frequency, associated factors and methods of labor induction in Kisangani, Democratic Republic of Congo

La mort fœtale tardive fait référence à la mort in utéro (MIU) de survenue spontanée à partir de 22 semaines d’aménorrhée (SA), mais avant tout début du travail d’accouchement, ce qui constitue une tragédie pour la mère, les membres de la famille et du personnel soignant. La présente ét...

Tuberculose chez les enfants de 0-14 ans: résistance primaire de Mycobacterium tuberculosis aux antituberculeux et variants génétiques à Kinshasa
Tuberculosis in children aged 0-14: primary resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis to antituberculosis drugs and genetic variants in Kinshasa

Dans les régions endémiques y compris la République Démocratique du Congo, les enfants sont susceptibles d’être exposés à la tuberculose (TB) par un contact dans l’entourage. L’absence de diagnostic peut avoir des conséquences dévastatrices. L’objectif de la présente étude était de d...

Awareness and utilization of contraceptives among female students in Eldoret national polytechnic in Uasin Gishu county, Kenya, a cross sectional study

East Afr. Med. J; 100 (10), 2023
Background: Good knowledge of contraceptives is a key component for contraceptive utilization by young women. There have been increased incidences of unwanted pregnancies and induced abortions in tertiary institutions. This study sought to assess the knowledge and pattern of utilization of contraceptives...

Indications for echocardiography and confirmation rates of cardiovascular diseases: experience of a specialist cardiac outpatient clinic in Kumasi, Ghana

Ann. afr. med; 22 (4), 2023
Background: Transthoracic echocardiography is a very helpful noninvasive cardiovascular imaging technique for the diagnosis and risk stratification in the management of patients with cardiovascular diseases. We aimed to review the clinical indications for transthoracic echocardiography and the confirmati...

Exposure to tobacco advertisements, promotions, and sponsorships among in‑school adolescents in Lagos, Nigeria: A cross‑sectional study

Ann. afr. med; 22 (3), 2023
Background: The Nigerian government implemented the National Tobacco Control Act (NTCA) in 2015, which prohibits tobacco advertising, promotion, and sponsorship (TAPS) exposure to children under 18 years of age. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of attitudes and exposure to TAPS among in ...

Abrupt introduction of distance learning during the covid‑19 pandemic: What psychological impact on teachers?

As soon as the COVID 19 , the Moroccan education ministry decided to adopt distance learning (DL). Our target was to study the psychological impact of DL on Moroccan teachers during the pandemic. This cross-sectional study used an online questionnaire based on the Hospital Anxiety and Depressio...

COVID-19 pandemic and factors influencing depression in residents of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Background: The COVID-19 outbreak caused the border closure, martial law declaration, and lockdown to prevent the spread of the disease. These policies caused reduced interaction among people,social isolation, and higher levels of anxiety and depression. Objectives: This study aimed to examine changes in...

Evaluation of knowledge, prevalence and effects of opioid abuse among undergraduate students in a public university

In Nigeria currently, opioids are the second most widely used substances among young individuals after cannabis. A review of several literatures reported the prevalence of drug abuse, especially tramadol and codeine, among Nigerian students as 20% - 40%. The aim of this study was to determine the knowled...

Factores de risco de desmame precoce em trabalhadoras dos supermercados da cidade de nampula
Risk factors for early weaning in female supermarket workers in nampula city

Introdução: Considera-se desmame precoce, a interrupção do aleitamento materno antes de a criança completar seis meses de vida, independentemente da causa da decisão estar relacionada a mãe ou a criança. A pesquisa teve como objectivo, averiguar o risco do desmame precoce em trabalhadoras dos sup...

A retrospective cross-sectional analysis of clinical and radiological outcomes following pediatric ureteric reimplantation at a tertiary hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

East Cent Afr J Surg.; 28 (4), 2023
Background: Open ureteric reimplantation is considered to be the gold standard treatment for numerous anomalies involving vesico-ureteric junction. The study was conducted to determine the outcome of ureteric reimplantation surgeries in terms of clinical and radiologic improvement. Methods: A retrospecti...