Results: 407

Factors associated with poor access to HIV and sexual and reproductive health services in Nigeria for women and girls living with HIV during the COVID-19 pandemic

Aim: To determine the proportion of women and girls living with HIV (WGLHIV) who had poor access to HIV, tuberculosis and sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic and associated factors.Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that recruited WGLHIV with six c...

The cascade of care of HIV after one year of follow-up in a cohort of HIV-positive adult patients in three health settings of Morrumbene in rural Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 26 (11), 2021
To assess the state of the retention in care of HIV patients in three health settings in Morrumbene, a rural district of Inhambane Province, Mozambique. We evaluated potential factors associated with early loss to follow-up (LTFU), retention in care and ART adherence during the first year of follow-up. ...

HIV infection and placental malaria reduce maternal transfer of multiple antimalarial antibodies in Mozambican women
HIV infection and placental malaria reduce maternal transfer of multiple antimalarial antibodies in Mozambican women

J. infect; 82 (4), 2021
Maternal Plasmodium falciparum-specific antibodies may contribute to protect infants against severe malaria. Our main objective was to evaluate the impact of maternal HIV infection and placental malaria on the cord blood levels and efficiency of placental transfer of IgG and IgG subclasses. Methods: In ...

Lassa fever coinfection with COVID-19 among health care workers: report of two cases

Lassa fever (LF) coinfection with hepatitis B and HIV has been reported among hospitalized patients in Southwest Nigeria and HIV patients coinfected with COVID-19 have been described among hospitalized patients in North Central Nigeria, no study has reported cases of coinfection of Lassa disease and COVI...

Usefulness of rapid diagnostic test in the diagnosis of asymptomatic malaria in HIV infected children on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis in Benin City, Nigeria

Niger. j. paediatr; 47 (4), 2020
Background: Rapid diagnostic test (mRDT) is a useful tool in demonstrating parasitologically proven malaria. Its efficacy is however hampered when parasite density is low. Prophylactic use of cotrimoxazoleas in cases of HIV infected children can cause reduction in parasite count. It is doubtful if mRDT w...

Frequência de Factores de Risco Associados a Co-infecção pelo HBV/HIV em Doadores de Sangue Repositores do Hospital Central de Maputo e do Hospital Provincial de Xai-Xai, 2015

Foi realizado um estudo descritivo transversal com abordagem quantitativa para identificar a frequência dos factores de risco associados a co-infecção pelo vírus de Hepatite B (HBV) e vírus de imunodeficiência Humana (HIV) em doadores de sangue repositores, no 2otrimestre de 2015. O estudo foi real...

Treatment outcomes among HIV-positive orphaned and non-orphaned children on antiretroviral therapy in Johannesburg, South Africa

S. Afr. med. j. (Online); 109 (9), 2019
Background. Limited research investigating treatment outcomes for HIV-positive orphans compared with non-orphans has shown mixed results, with several studies indicating that HIV-positive orphans are at greater risk of delayed access to HIV care and poor antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence, while othe...

Infection par le VIH et Hépatite virale B dans les prisons au Bénin: état des lieux

Introduction. La prison représente un environnement favorable à la transmission des infections sexuellement transmissibles et de celles transmises par le sang. L'évaluation de la situation de ces infections est nécessaire pour mettre en place des stratégies appropriées de lutte. Objectif. Evaluer l...

Zona en milieu hospitalier à Cotonou de 2005 à 2014: aspects épidemiologiques et cliniques

L'objectif de cette étude était de documenter les aspects épidémiologiques et cliniques du zona en milieu hospitalier à Cotonou. Matériel et méthodes : L'étude était rétrospective et descriptive sur 10 ans et a concerné tous les nouveaux patients reçus en consultation dans le service de Derma...