Results: 96

Aspects épidémiologiques et gestion de la covid-19 au district sanitaire de Tenkodogo (Burkina Faso)

Le système sanitaire au Burkina Faso a été mis à rude épreuve avec la Covid-19. Nous analysons dans cette étude, les stratégies de santé publique adoptées par les formations sanitaires du District de Tenkodogo en réponse à cette épidémie. La méthodologie adoptée a consisté en une étude t...

Impact of COVID -19 on population health and economic wellbeing in Ethiopia: A national pilot survey

Ethiop. med. j. (Online); 60 (Supplement 1), 2022
Introduction: The COVD-19 pandemic has resulted in unprecedented global health and economic crisis, particu-larly in countries struggling with poverty. We conducted a national survey to understand the economic and health impacts of COVID-19 in Ethiopia. Methods: A pilot, population-based, cross-sectional...

Efficacy and safety of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of COVID19 infection: An umbrella review

Ethiop. med. j. (Online); 60 (Supplement 1), 2022
Introduction: Among all therapeutic approaches for COVID-19, most controversies have been raised about the efficacy and safety hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and chloroquine. We conducted an umbrella review to assess any potential benefits of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in tr...

Characteristics of hospitalised COVID-19 patients during the first two pandemic waves, Gauteng

Background: Gauteng province (GP) was one of the most affected provinces in the country during the first two pandemic waves in South Africa. We aimed to describe the characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients admitted in one of the largest quaternary hospitals in GP during the first ...

A path toward disability-inclusive health in Zimbabwe Part 2: A qualitative study on the national response to COVID-19

Afr. j. disabil. (Online); 11 (NA), 2022
Background: People with disabilities are at higher risk of adverse coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outcomes. Additionally, measures to mitigate COVID-19 transmission have impacted health service provision and access, which may particularly disadvantage people with disabilities. Objectives: To explore...

Nigeria in the COVID era: Health system strengthening for national security and prosperity

Niger. Postgrad. Med. J.; 29 (3), 2022
The coronavirus disease‑19 pandemic has spread to all parts of the world. As of 20 May 2022, over 500 million confirmed cases have occurred with over 6 million deaths. In Nigeria, over 255,000 cases have occurred with more than 3000 deaths. The pandemic has adversely affected virtually all aspects of h...

Professional quality of life of nurses in critical care units: Influence of demographic characteristics

Background. Professional quality of life, measured as compassion satisfaction, is a prerequisite for nurses working in intensive care units where patients rely on their care. Nurses who experience compassion satisfaction, or good professional quality of life, engage enthusiastically with all work activit...

Prévalence des hémorragies digestives au cours des vagues de COVID-19 au service de Réanimation Chirurgicale du CHU Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona, Antananarivo, Madagascar
Prevalence of gastrointestinal bleeding during the waves of COVID -19 in the surgical intensive care unit of the CHU Joseph Ravoahangy Andrianavalona,Antananarivo, Madagascar

Introduction : La CoViD-19 est une maladie à « plusieurs visages » qui peut affecter tous les systèmes. La survenue d’hémorragies digestives fait partie des manifestations de cette maladie. L’objectif de cette étude est de présenter les cas d’hémorragies digestives chez des patients infect...

Interrupted time-series analysis of active case-finding for tuberculosis during the COVID-19 pandemic, Zambia

Bull. W.H.O. (Online); 100 (3), 2022
Objective To evaluate the impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the subsequent implementation of tuberculosis response measures on tuberculosis notifications in Zambia. Methods We used an interrupted time-series design to compare monthly tuberculosis notifications in Zambia befor...

Preceptor support during the COVID-19 pandemic: Recommendations for continuing development

Curationis; 45 (1), 2022
Background: Mentally fit preceptors may be more capable and flexible in providing students with system, emotional and cognitive support in the clinical learning environment (CLE) in the face of any life-threatening outbreaks. Existing professional development programmes for preceptors emphasise the devel...