Results: 10

Bacteriologic profile, antibiotics resistance pattern, and outcomes of patients admitted to Lancet General Hospital from June 2022 to June 2023: A retrospective cohort study

Ethiop. Med. j; 62 (1), 2024
Background Prior studies indicated increased antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia, with related health, economic, and environmental costs. Knowing an institutions and population microbiologic profile allows for proper antibi-otic treatment, which substantially impact patients’ outcomes such as healthca...

Pratiques de prise en charge de l’hypertension artérielle au Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire d’ Abomey-Calavi au Bénin

L’hypertension artérielle est une maladie à forte progression reste un problème de santé publique. Mais, les pratiques de sa prise en charge se heurtent à différents obstacles. Cette recherche questionne les problèmes qui caractérisent les pratiques de prise en charge de l’hy...

The adoption of ICT and robotic automation systems in the pharmaceutical industry

Background: South African pharmacies face challenges like cost reduction, inventory management, and employee efficiency. Balancing dispensing error rates and customer satisfaction, along with ensuring accurate medication dispensing, is also crucial. An effective solution to these challenges is adopting a...

Comparaison des coûts du traitement du paludisme en biomédecine et en médecine traditionnelle à Niono (Mali)
Comparison of costs of treatment of malaria in biomedicine and traditional medicine in Niono (Mali)

Introduction. Au Mali, la prise en charge du paludisme se fait à travers la médecine conventionnelle et la médecine traditionnelle, mais peu d’évaluation existe sur les implications fi nancières de ces approches qui coexistent et qui sont pratiqués parfois de manière concomitante. L’objectif d...

The gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase to platelet ratio (GPR) and the gammaglutamyl transpeptidase to albumin (GAR) versus fibroscan as indicators of hepatic fibrosis in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients

Background: Identifying patients at risk with Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) related fibrosis is crucial. Many noninvasive fibrosis markers were developed recently in chronic hepatitis C and B patients, but a few were evaluated in NAFLD. Aim: to assess the accuracy of the gamma-glutamyl transp...

Costing of HIV services, Uganda and United Republic of Tanzania

Bull. W.H.O. (Print); 101 (10), 2023
Objective To evaluate resource allocation and costs associated with delivery of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) services in Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. Methods We used time-driven activity-based costing to determine the resources consumed and costs of providing five HIV services in Uga...

Factors associated with utilisation of post abortion care services among women of reproductive age in Nairobi county Kenya

East Afr. Med. J; 100 (10), 2023
Background: Complications of abortion are a major contributing factor to maternal mortality, especially in Africa. 31% of maternal deaths in Nairobi are attributed to abortions complications. While Post abortion Care (PAC) is a proven approach in addressing mortality and burden of abortion complications,...

Wind-driven roof turbines’ effectiveness in enhancing household ventilation: a potential tool to reduce tuberculosis infection

Background: South Africa’s overburdened healthcare systems have led to criticism of its unsustainable tuberculosis management interventions. In 2011, the National Department of Health implemented an outpatient, decentralised care model, but this increased costs and jeopardised the long-term viability o...

Navigating through Nigeria’s struggling health system: The staggering experience of a struggling family

Ann. afr. med; 22 (2), 2023
She was born at 28 weeks of gestation and weighed 800g. Following delivery, her mother suffered wound dehiscence and was re-admitted for a prolonged period. For the care of the little baby, the father had preferred a public health facility where the cost is less prohibitive. Incidentally, Nigerian reside...

Analyse du coût économique direct du cancer du sein en Côte d’ivoire en 2022

La prise en charge du cancer du sein constitue un fardeau économique important dans les pays àressources limitées. L’objectif était d’estimer les coûts médicaux directs des patientes suivies pour un cancer du sein en côte d’ivoire Une étude transversale a été conçue et réalisée dans le...