Background:Methicillin resistant S. aureus(MRSA) has become a major public health predicament worldwide. This is owing to its involvement in the evolution of MDR strains and difficulty in therapeutic management of infected patients. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of methicillin re...
Introduction: African countries are facing an epidemic of cardiovascular diseases. Information on the quality of acute coronary syndrome care offered in underserved communities in Ghana is limited. Using objective criteria, we examined the quality of acute coronary syndrome care offered to patients prese...
Objectif : Déterminer la fréquence et les facteurs associés à la dénutrition en postopératoire dans deux hôpitaux universitaires publics au Bénin.
Méthode : Il s’agissait d’une étude observationnelle transversale descriptive et analytique, qui s’est déroulée de mai à juillet 2022. Un r...
Background: The productivity of healthcare institutions is impacted by the nursing workforce and plays a vital role in the provision of effective and efficient patient care. Knowledge management plays a vital role in nursing practice. This study seeks to extend the frontier of knowledge by addressing the...