Results: 3

Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and associated risk factors in diabetic type II patients in Ajdabiya, Libya

Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is One of the most wellknown microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) and is a frequent side effect of untreated diabetes that can lead to blindness and visual impairment. This study was conducted to assess the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and associated facto...

Profil lipoprotéique et risque athérogène chez les drépanocytaires majeurs au CHU de Cocody
Lipid Profile and Atherogenic Risk of Major Sickle Cell Disease Patients in Abidjan

Introduction.Les formes majeures dedrépanocytose sont une source de perturbation des paramètres lipidiques. Cette perturbation est impliquée dans l’apparition de nombreuses maladies cardiovasculaires telles que les accidents vasculaires cérébraux. Cette étude avait pour but d’éta...

Association of triglyceride-glucose index with vascular risk factors and clinical outcomes among COVID -19 patients: a retrospective cross-sectional study in Mengo Hospital, Kampala, Uganda

Pan Afr. med. j; 46 (), 2023
Introduction: triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index is a reliable surrogate marker of insulin resistance. We assessed the association between triglyceride-glucose (TyG) index and vascular risk factors and clinical outcomes of critically ill adult COVID-19 patients. Methods: data from the charts of all patient...