Results: 3

Preliminary study of vitamin D deficiency and its associated risk factors in Libya

This study was conducted to investigate levels among the target population and its associated risk factors in Libya. A cross-sectional study was conducted to investigate level and its associated risk factors in Libya during 2022-2023. 192 serum samples were tested in private laboratories. A structured de...

Association of vitiligo with ABO/Rh system and its influence on thyroid stimulating hormone and vitamin D

This study was conducted to determine if there is a relationship between vitiligo and ABO blood groups, the Rhesus (Rh) factor, thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and vitamin D. For vitiligo analysis, two hundred subjects participated in this study, 100 vitiligo patients and 100 control cases (without vit...

Carence en vitamine D et risque de cancer du sein avancé au Mali
Vitamin D deficiency in advanced breast cancer risk in Mali

Mali méd. (En ligne); 39 (2), 2024
Objectif : Le but de cette étude était de déterminer une association entre la carence en vitamine D et le cancer du sein avancé chez une population de femmes maliennes. Méthodes : Il s'agit d'une étude prospective transversale, menée pendant 4 mois, d’Août à novembre 2021. Les dosages ont étÃ...