epidemiological estimates from the 2021 Joint United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) emphasize the existing gender disparities, where women face a higher risk of HIV/AIDS exposure. In Mozambique, as of 2021, the HIV prevalence rate among the adult population stood at 12.5%, with an even more concern...
Background:The Placenta is an organ of pregnancy that provides nutrition, excretory functions and oxygen to the fetus.Aim:The purpose of the study is to determine and provide information on the commonest sites of placental localization in pregnant women in their second and third trimesters in Umuahia, Ab...
Introduction.Les infections respiratoires hautes représentent environ 80% des affections ORL de l’enfant. L’objectif de ce travail était de contribuer à la connaissance des manifestations ORL de la covid-19 chez l’enfant afin d’en améliorer la prise en charge....
Introduction :La supplémentation en vitamine A (SVA) est une intervention à haut impact en matière de survie de l’enfant. Le Sénégal, conformément aux recommandations de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé, préconise la SVA dès six mois et tous les six mois jusqu’à cinq ans. Cependant, le...
Giant mucinous cystadenomas of the ovary are seldom documented in literature within developed countries, primarily due to the widespread availability of diagnostic technologies. However, in developing nations, such situations pose a challenge owing to limited access to diagnostic tools and constrained re...
Background: Overpopulation in a community or a country reflects high fertility desires of its citizens. A country can only progress meaningfully if its resources and amenities can provide for all its citizens. Objectives: To examine the childbearing practices of antenatal attendees at the Niger Delta Uni...
Objective: The objective of the study was to determine the prevalence and relationship between sexual autonomy and modern contraceptive use among Nigerian women.
Methods: Secondary data analysis of the 2018 Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey was conducted among Nigerian women aged 15-49 years who wer...
Despite the availability for nearly twenty years of an effective vaccine, hepatitis B remains one of the most frequent viral diseases throughout the world. Mother to child transmission is one of the primary routes of transmission in children. To assess the vaccine response in children born to HBV ...
Hepatitis B virus,
Hepatitis B,
Considérée comme une stratégie efficace pour l’amélioration des indicateurs du développement socio-économique et démographique, la pratique de la planification familiale reste encore faible en Côte d’Ivoire. L’objectif de cette recherche estde déterminer les facteurs pouvant contribuerà r...