Results: 5

Exploring prostate cancer screening among men in Accra using the health belief model

Ghana Med. J. (Online); 57 (3), 2023
Objective: To explore the prevalence of prostate cancer screening among Ghanaian men and interrogate why some individuals screen for the disease and others do not. Design: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey based on the Health Belief Model was used to collect data from 356 men aged 40 years and above...

Facteurs associés à la césarienne en salle de travail chez les patientes à bas risque périnatal, "cas de l'hôpital général de référence Bonzola" à Mbujimayi (RDC)
Associated factors of cesarean section in workroom in patients with Low perinatal risk "case of the Bonzola Reference General Hospital

Mali méd. (En ligne); 38 (3), 2023
Contexte et objectifs : La césarienne est une intervention de plus en plus pratiquée en obstétrique pour sauver les vies. Les objectifs de cette étude étaient d’identifier les facteurs associés à la décision de césarienne en salle de travail et de déterminer les conduites thérapeutiques et o...

Work-related psychological distress among teachers in southwest Nigeria: a rural and urban comparison

Background: The jobs of teachers involve high demand and low control, which predisposes them to psychological distress. Differences in the basic infrastructure in rural and urban areas may influence the psychological health status of teachers. Objectives: We assessed the prevalence of psychological distr...

Low back pain as an occupational risk among supermarket cashiers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

Background: Work-related low back pain (LBP) has received growing attention, especially regarding the effect it has on work productivity and activities of daily living (ADL). Supermarket cashiers are at high risk of LBP due to maintaining awkward postures for prolonged periods. Objectives: To investigate...

Association between HIV infection and socio-economic status: evidence from a semirural area of southern Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 21 (12), 2016
To analyse the association between socio-economic status (SES) and HIV in Manhiça, a district of Southern Mozambique with one of the highest HIV prevalences in the world. Methods: Data were gathered from two cross-sectional surveys performed in 2010 and 2012 among 1511 adults and from the household cen...