Introduction: oral diseases (OD), commonly dental caries and periodontitis are a major public health problem. Poor oral hygiene has been associated with OD, causing tooth loss, which leads to disability and compromised patients' oral health. In Rwanda, OD is among the leading causes of morbidity at the h...
Oral Health,
Oral Hygiene,
But : Evaluer les résultats initiaux de nos des différents traitements des fractures ouvertes de l’humérus. Méthode: Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective réalisée à Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) sur une période de 10 ans, portant sur 16 fractures ouvertes de la diaphyse humérale. Elle in...
Preoperative anxiety potentially results in perioperative anaesthetic complications. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of preoperative anxiety in adult patients scheduled to undergo elective orthopaedic surgery at an academic hospital in South Africa and identify contributory factors.
The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence, severity, and symptoms of Distal Symmetrical Polyneuropathy (DSP) among adult patients with diabetes and those without diabetes in a primary care clinic. It was a cross-sectional comparative study involving 72 adults of between 40-60 years of age living...
Background: Opioid dependence is a conundrum that significantly contributes to global mortality, crimes, and transmission of diseases such as hepatitis (B and C), human immunodeficiency virus and perhaps, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). There are contradictory findings on the efficacy of psychosocia...
Formal prehospital emergency medical services cover only a small percent of the population in most low- and middle-income countries. Increasing the involvement of laypersons in prehospital first aid can be an important part of the response to injuries and other medical emergencies. We sought...
Physical rehabilitation interventions address functional deficits caused by impairments that affect someone’s performance. Whilst rehabilitation is important, it is assumed that these services are either minimal or nonexistent in low-resource settings. Our data expand on the data from the Situation Ass...
Society places people with physical disabilities acquired during adulthood in disadvantaged positions, especially when they cannot participate in activities like their non-disabled counterparts. The situation can be worse for individuals who acquire disabilities during adulthood, where they have to learn...
Contexte et objectifs. La perte de dents appelée édentement affecte la mastication, la parole, l’esthétique, le comportement social et la qualité de vie. L’objectif de la présente étude était d’évaluer la fréquence et les determinants de l’édentement partiel (EP) chez les adultes dans l...
Contexte et objectifs. L’hydrocèle conduit dans ses formes
évoluées à un retentissement psycho-social, économique et
anatomique. Les objectifs de l’étude étaient de décrire les
aspects cliniques et le devenir sous traitement de l’hydrocèle
vaginale de l’adulte (HVA). Méthodes. Etude doc...