Results: 6

Assessment of challenges inhibiting effective delivery of health care services among frontline Professional health workers during COVID 19 Lock down in Nigeria

This is a cross-sectional survey of challenges inhibiting health care service provision during COVID 19 lockdown. Data collected with a pretested online self-administered questionnaire included age, gender, occupation, place of practice, physical distance practices, utilization of telemedicine, income a...

Assessment of challenges inhibiting effective delivery of health care services among frontline Professional health workers during COVID 19 Lock down in Nigeria

Background: Coronavirus (COVID-19) increased patient loads globally, having a negative impact on health services. Social distancing is one strategy to prevent spreading COVID-19 but creates challenges for health professionals. This study assessed the challenges of COVID-19 for selected health professiona...

Sexual Experiences of Infertile Women: A Qualitative Study

It is suggested that stress related to infertility causes marriage conflicts and decreases in the frequency of sexual intercourse. Aim: This study aimed to explore the experiences of the sexuality of infertile women. Patients and Methods: A phenomenological design was used in this study. We conducted fac...

Developing and prioritising strategies to improve the implementation of maternal healthcare guidelines in South Africa: The nominal group technique

Background: In South Africa, maternal healthcare guidelines are distributed to primary health care (PHC) facility for midwives to refer and implement during maternal healthcare services. Different training was offered for the use of maternal care guidelines. However, poor adherence and poor implementatio...

The impact of the responsibility of teachers regarding reproductive healthcare to teenage learners

The Life Orientation subject at school is meant to equip learners with important life skills and prepare them to be responsible adults that will contribute positively to the economy of the country. One of such skills is to avoid pregnancy while being a learner and therefore needs information about sex an...