Results: 2

Malaria in southern Mozambique: incidence of clinical malaria in children living in a rural community in Manhiça district

We estimated the incidence of clinical malaria episodes by weekly home-based active case detection between December 1996 and July 1999 in 2 groups of children in Manhiça district in southern Mozambique. Cohort 1 comprised a random sample of children aged <10 years at recruitment and cohort 2 comprised n...

Malaria in southern Mozambique: malariometric indicators and malaria case definition in Manhiça district

A total of 2057 children aged <10 years were selected at random from a demographic surveillance system and enrolled in 4 malariometric cross-sectional surveys in different seasons in Manhiça district in southern Mozambique. Plasmodium falciparum accounted for 90% of all malaria infections and the preval...