Results: 3

The role of art therapy in neuroscience within the african context: a narrative review with insights from an art therapy session in Kenya

Art therapy has been established as a powerful psychotherapeutic tool that utilizes artistic media to enhance mental and neurological well-being. This has been supported by various neuroimaging and electrophysiological studies which reveal its positive effects on brain function. This review emphasizes a...

The cascade of care of HIV after one year of follow-up in a cohort of HIV-positive adult patients in three health settings of Morrumbene in rural Mozambique

Trop. med. int. health; 26 (11), 2021
To assess the state of the retention in care of HIV patients in three health settings in Morrumbene, a rural district of Inhambane Province, Mozambique. We evaluated potential factors associated with early loss to follow-up (LTFU), retention in care and ART adherence during the first year of follow-up. ...

Arte, ciência e saúde num só
Art, science and health in one

A arte e saúde caminham juntos desde a pre história quando o homem primitivo tinha que tomar várias iniciativas para a sua sobrevivência. Os desenhos encotrados em várias grutas atestam a crença segundo a qual, antes de partir para a caça, este acto, era primeiro materializado artisticamente nasro...