Results: 4

Need for standardization and compliance to treatment protocols for COVID-19 within the African Region of the World Health Organization

COVID-19 pandemic changed the face of global health and brought about new issues in global health security and economy. The World Health Organization published guidelines for clinical management of COVID-19 four months after declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic. Scholarly reviews and studies from member...

Particularités de l’infection néonatale bactérienne précoce en milieu hospitalier du CHU Gabriel Touré de Bamako
Particularities of early neonatal bacterial infection in the hospital environment of the CHU Gabriel Touré in Bamako

Mali Médical; 28 (3), 2022
Introduction : L’infection néonatale bactérienne précoce (INBP) est une préoccupation majeure en néonatologie. Au Mali, aucune étude n’avait abordé cet aspect d’où l’initiation du présent travail afin d’étudier le profil épidémio-clinique, biologique et bactériologique de l’INBP....

Avaliação das práticas de higiene nos serviços de restauração da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane

O presente trabalho tinha como objectivo avaliar as práticas de higiene associadas aos factores de riscos de doenças bacterianas de origem alimentar nos serviços de restauração da Universidade Eduardo Mondlane. O estudo foi realizado nos serviços de restauração da UEM de Maputo e Inhambane. Foram...

Effects of gender and seasonal variation on the prevalence of bacterial septicemia among young children in Benin city, Nigeria

Libyan j. med; 4 (3), 2009
Aim: To determine the effects of gender and seasonal variations on the prevalence of bacterial septicaemia among children 5 years and younger; and to identify the bacterial agents responsible for septicaemia and their antibiotic susceptibility profiles. Methods: Blood was collected from 1;724 children (9...