Results: 3

Pharmacological management of post-traumatic seizures in a South African paediatric intensive care unit

Background. Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is a common cause of paediatric intensive care unit (PICU) admissions in South Africa. Optimal care of these patients includes the prevention and control of post-traumatic seizures (PTS) in order to minimise secondary brain injury. Objectives. To describe the dem...

Trauma unit admissions at the Ugandan National Referral Hospital: a descriptive study

African Health Sciences; 22 (1), 2022
Background: Injuries are a neglected epidemic globally accounting for 9% global deaths; 1.7 times that of HIV, TB and malaria combined. Trauma remains overlooked with key research and data focusing on infectious diseases, yet Uganda has one of the highest rates of traumatic injury. We described demograph...

Perfil epidemiológico das mortes resultantes de acidentes de viação na província e cidade de Maputo
Epidemiological profile of deaths resulting from road traffic accidents in Maputo city and province

Introdução: A sinistralidade rodoviária constitui um problema de saúde pública em Moçambique. É legítimo pensar que a ausência dum sistema de emergência pré hospitalar e de alerta eficaz para o socorro dos sinistrados contribui para o aumento de mortes no local de acidente de viacão ou a cami...