Results: 4

Influences sociales et acceptabilité de la pratique de la planification familiale chez les femmes Port-Bouët II à Yopougon en Côte d’Ivoire
Social influences and acceptability of the practice of family planning among Port-Bouët II women in Yopougon, Côte d'Ivo

Considérée comme une stratégie efficace pour l’amélioration des indicateurs du développement socio-économique et démographique, la pratique de la planification familiale reste encore faible en Côte d’Ivoire. L’objectif de cette recherche estde déterminer les facteurs pouvant contribuerà r...

Determinants of emergency contraceptive utilization among female tertiary students in the middle belt of Ghana, West Africa

PAMJ - One Health; 9 (NA), 2022
Introduction: Emergency Contraceptives (ECs) are after-coital contraceptive methods used before implantation. These give females in the sexually active age group the opportunity to prevent unplanned pregnancies after refusing to patronize a contraceptive before unprotected sexual intercourse or when a re...

Preferences, Utilization and Factors affecting Use of Contraceptives amongWomen attending Primary Health Care Facilities in Delta State,Southern Nigeria

West Afr. j. med; 39 (11), 2022
Contraceptive use has numerous benefits for thefamily and the nation that can be maximized with its consistent use.However, many women have preferences for certain contraceptiveswith implications for continued use.OBJECTIVE: To determine the contraceptive preferences of women,their utilization pattern an...

Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice on family planning among women of reproductive age at hospitals and clinic centers in the rural Western Sierra Leone

Afr. j. reprod. health; 26 (6), 2022
Informed decisions about one's sexual and reproductive health can be made through family planning. Women of reproductive age in rural Sierra Leone's Western area were asked to participate in a survey to determine their attitudes and knowledge toward family planning and the use of contraceptives. A descri...