Results: 4

Psychological correlates of COVID safety protocol adherence among university students

Ghana med. j; 57 (1), 2023
Background: The COVID-19 pandemic continues to be a global concern. Reports of insidious asymptomatic variants of the virus raise concerns about the safety of huge numbers of students on university campuses. Objective: The study aimed to delineate psychological correlates for students’ adherence to sa...

The burden of healthcare-associated infection in Moroccan hospitals: systematic review and meta-analysis

Healthcare-associated infections (HAI), also referred to as nosocomial infections, is defined as an infection acquired in a hospital setting. This infection is considered a HAI if it was not present or incubating at the time of admission. This includes infections acquired in the hospital but appearing af...

Mobile phones of hospital workers: a potential reservoir for the transmission of pathogenic bacteria

Background: Mobile phones are increasingly associated with the transmission of pathogenic microbial agents. In the clinical setting where there is usually high exposure to pathogens, these devices may serve as vehicles for the transmission/spread of pathogens. This study determined the prevalence of bact...

Emergence of nosocomial-acquired extensively drug-resistant and pandrug-resistant Enterobacterales in a teaching hospital in Kuwait

Contexte: L’émergence et la montée en puissance des infections causées par des isolats d’entérobactéries ultrarésistantes (XDR) et pandrug-résistantes (PDR) constituent un sérieux défi clinique et de santé publique. L’isolement de bactéries Gram-négatives PDR (GNB) en milieu clinique es...