Results: 4

Clinical Competence and Perception of Medical Students after Early Clinical Exposure through Pre-clerckship Education at an Ethiopian Medical School: A Cross-sectional Study

BACKGROUND: Conventional medical curriculum is the mainstay in the long history of modern medical education. Innovative integrated medical curriculum attracted significant attention in improving conventional curriculum. In the integrated curriculum, basic sciences are incorporated horizontally with each ...

Maternity waiting Home-use and associated factors among mothers in northwest Ethiopia, The application of the integrated behavioral model

Background: Data-informed decision making is influenced by organizational, technical, and behavioral factors.Behavioral factors are the major contributing factors for data-informed decision-making practices. This study aimed to explore health workers’ perceptions of data-informed decision making at pri...

Maternity waiting Home-use and associated factors among mothers in northwest Ethiopia, The application of the integrated behavioral model

Maternal mortality in Ethiopia is the highest in the world (412/100,000). Health facility delivery is the cornerstone in reducing maternal mortality. However, health facility delivery is low in Ethiopia, due to poor access and ill-equipped health facilities. Maternity waiting home(MWH)is ...

National guideline for implementation of integrated community-based health services

The National Guideline for Implementation of Integrated Community-Based Health Services has been developed by the Ministry of Health and Wellness–Department of Health Services Management as a technical tool. This guideline is a reflection of the Ministry’s commitment to strengthening primary health c...