Results: 4

Maladies auto-immunes systémiques dans les Services de Médecine Interne et de Dermatologie du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Bouaké: profil de 50 patients

Introduction Les maladies auto-immunes systémiques (MAIS) sont peu connues malgré les progrès diagnostiques et thérapeutiques réalisés ces dernières années. L’objectif de ce travail était de décrire le profil épidémiologique, diagnostique et thérapeutique des MAIS dans les services de Méd...

Topical cannabidiol (CBD) in skin pathology – A comprehensive review and prospects for new therapeutic opportunities

South African Family Practice; Vol 64, No 1 : Part 2| a5493 (2), 2022
Humans have utilised cannabis products in various forms throughout the recorded history. To date, more than 500 biologically active components have been identified in the plants of the Cannabis genus, amongst which more than 100 were classified as phytocannabinoids (exocannabinoids). The plant genus Cann...

Prise en charge des patients COVID-19 à l'hôpital de dermatologie de Bamako
Care of COVID-19 patients at the dermatology hospital of Bamako

Mali Médical; 28 (3), 2022
Aim: To assess the COVID-19 patients’ treatment duration according to the place of treatment at the Dermatology Hospital of Bamako (DHB). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study comparing the management of COVID-19 PCR-positive patients in the hospital to that of those managed at home from March 2020...

Assessment of the effect of treatment on the quality of life of adult Keloid

Background: Documentations of the effect of treatment on the quality of life of keloid patients are few. This study assessedimprovement in quality-of-lifefollowing keloid treatment. In addition, to assess which of the offered four modalities of treatment improved quality of life more.Methods:Thisquasi-ex...