Results: 26

Isolement des bactéries dans les salles de chirurgie aseptique et de Néonatologie de la Clinique Ngaliema et de l’Hôpital Roi Beaudoin Ier de Masina à Kinshasa, RDC
Isolation of bacteria in the aseptic surgery and neonatology rooms of the Ngaliema Clinic and the King Beaudoin I Hospital of Masina in Kinshasa, DRC

Surgery and neonatology rooms must be free of all biotamination. The presence of pathogenic bacteria in the environment of these rooms could lead to infection of patients, resulting in an increase of morbidity and mortality. This study aimed to detect the presence of pathogenic resistant bacteria to anti...

Prévalence de l'infection par l'hépatite virale B et facteurs associés chez les enfants des sujets ivoiriens porteurs de l’AGHBS

Mali méd. (En ligne); 38 (1), 2023
Objectifs : Déterminer la prévalence de l'infection par le virus de l'hépatite B (VHB) chez les enfants (sujets contact) des sujets porteurs chroniques de l'Ag HBs (sujets index) et rechercher les facteurs associés à cette infection chez ces enfants.Patients et méthodes: il s’est agi d’étude r...

Immediate and early engagement of same-day antiretroviral therapy initiation among newly diagnosed people living with HIV in urban Zambia: a retrospective cohort study

PAMJ One Health; 10 (4), 2023
Introduction: as Zambia moves towards attaining human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic control, it is clear significant efforts are required to facilitate achievement of UNAIDS treatment targets by 2030. To accelerate progress towards global target of 95% of people living with HIV (PLHIV) knowing th...

Mathematical modelling approach of the study of Ebola virus disease transmission dynamics in a developing country

Background: Ebola Virus causes disease both in human and non-human primatesespecially in developing countries. In 2014 during its outbreak, it led to majority of deaths especially in some impoverished area of West Africa and its effect is still witnessed up till date. ...

Partner notification and associated factors among people living with human immunodeficiency Virus in Bushenge Hospital, Rwanda

Introduction Partner notification is among strategies adopted by WHO to identify people at risk of HIV infection among sexual partners with people living with HIV to achieve the 90-90-90 target. There is still a gap in Sub-Saharan Africa. Objective To assess the determinants of partner notification among...

Validation of HIV risk screening tool to identify infected adults and adolescents greater than 14 years at community level in Tanzania and Zambia

Ethiop. med. j. (Online); 61 (1), 2023
Introduction: There are several risk factors being used to identify undiagnosed HIV-infected adults. As the number of undiagnosed people gets less and less, it is important to know if existing risk factors and risk assessment tools are valid for use. Methods: Data from the Tanzania and Zambia Population-...

COVID-19 infection prevention preparedness, practices and case management in the primary health care units in Ethiopia

Ethiop. j. health sci. (Online); 33 (2 Special Issue), 2023
BACKGROUND: COVID-19 as pandemic declared by WHO on March 11, 2020 and first case detected in Ethiopia on March 13/2020. The COVID-19 caused a global crisis, including millions of lives lost, public health systems in shock and economic and social disruption. Strategies depend on how an existing health sy...

Les risques de contamination infectieuse des praticiens dans les cabinets dentaires de Conakry: origine, conséquence et prévention
The risks of infectious contamination of practitioners in dental practices in Conakry: origin, consequence and prevention

INTRODUCTION: La pratique de la dentisterie implique un risque d’exposition à des microorganismes responsables de nombreuses maladies telles que l’Hépatite, la COVID-19, le VIH-SIDA. OBJECTIFS: Contribuer à l’étude des risques de contamination infectieuse des praticiens. MÉTHODOLOGIE: Il s’a...

Risk factors of transfusion transmissible infections among blood donors at Karongi Regional Centre for blood transfusion in Rwanda

Background Blood transfusion saves human lives, but also it can be a route for TransfusionTransmissible Infections (TTIs) including Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus (HIV), Hepatitis B virus (HBV), Hepatitis C virus (HCV), and syphilis. Objective This study aimed to explore the risk factors associated with T...

A retrospective review of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis queries, South Africa, 2016–2019

Background: The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICDs) of South Africa (SA) provides technical support to healthcare workers (HCWs) with regard to infectious diseases through the NICD clinician hotline. Queries to the hotline are often about rabies prophylaxis. An analysis of these queries ...