Results: 11

Age-group associations of schistosomiasis prevalence from trial data, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania

Bull. W.H.O. (Print); 102 (4), 2024
Objective To determine if the prevalence of schistosomiasis in children aged 9–12 years is associated with the prevalence in 5–8-year-olds and adults after preventive chemotherapy in schools or the community. Methods We combined data from four community-randomized, preventive chemotherapy trials in t...

Hémopathies malignes de l’adulte à Kinshasa: analyse documentaire d’une série des cas de 2011 à 2021

Contexte et objectif. Les hémopathies malignes (HM) constituent un problème majeur de santé publique en Afrique sub-saharienne où les moyens de prise en charge sont limités. L’objectif de l’étude était de décrire les aspects diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs observées dans la pris...

Mobile Phone-based intervention to promote un-interrupted HIV treatment during the COVID-19 pandemic

Afr. health sci. (Online); 22 (2 Special Issue: Makerere@100), 2022
Introduction: Keeping HIV-infected adults away from the health care system during the COVID-19 travel restrictions, presents a challenge to HIV treatment adherence. Methods: This study focused on the initial two phases where Phase 1 designed a Makerere College of Health Sciences (MakCHS) Unstructured Sup...

Management and outcome of colorectal cancer in a resource-limited setting: Ahmadu Bello university teaching hospital, Zaria, Nigeria

Background: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is one of the most common malignancies seen in the Western World. It is increasing in developing countries due to adaptation of the western lifestyle with an incidence of 6% in Nigeria. Treatment options are dependent on the stage of disease at presentation, the perfor...

Pharmaceutical situation of the pharmacological treatment of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Libya

By January 2020, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 has spread internationally to a pandemic that mainly targets the respiratory system. The relevant infectious disease has been identified as coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) by World Health Organization and declared as a global pandemic. ...

Factors influencing adherence to asthma control measures among patients in Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital, Nairobi Kenya

Afr. j. health sci; 35 (3), 2022
BACKGROUND :Asthma is an obstructive respiratory disease characterized by wheezing, chest tightness, cough and shortness of breath that is evidenced by expiratory airflow limitation. Patient awareness of asthma control measures is key in ensuring compliance with asthmatic drugs. The main aim of the study...

Hematological consequences of antiepileptic drug therapy among children with epilepsy

Epilepsy is a chronic neurologic disease that comes third after cerebrovascular and Alzheimer’s disease. Anti-epileptic drugs may affect certain hematological parameters of epileptic patients. Few researches investigated hematological adverse effects of antiepileptic drugs in Libya. Thus, the aim was t...

Le sarcome alvéolaire de la cuisse chez un jeune adulte: à propos d’un cas à l’hôpital Skyborne de Bukavu et revue de la littérature

Les auteurs rapportent l’un des types rares des cancers, le sarcome alvéolaire; survenu chez un sujet masculin âgé de 32 ans, qui consulte pour une importante tuméfaction de la face antérieure de la racine de la cuisse gauche et dont les bilans biologiques et radiologiques n’avaient rien mon...

Evaluation de la prise en charge des cas graves de COVID-19 aux soins intensifs dans un environnement à ressources limitées: expérience du centre de traitement des épidemies (CTE) d’Allada

Introduction : Dans sa politique de riposte contre la pandémie liée à l’infection au SARS-COV2, le Bénin a opté pour la construction d’Hôpitaux dédiés exclusivement à la prise en charge des COVID19. Pendant la première vague de la pandémie en Afrique, les systèmes de santé n’étaient ...