Results: 2

Drotaverine to shorten the duration of labour in primigravidas: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

African Health Sciences; 22 (3), 2022
Background: Drotaverine, a spasmolytic, has been found to have potential to achieve a reduction in the duration of labor and prevent prolonged labor. Objective: To compare the effects of intravenous drotaverine hydrochloride with placebo for shortening the duration of active phase of labor in primigravid...

Prise en charge des patients COVID-19 à l'hôpital de dermatologie de Bamako
Care of COVID-19 patients at the dermatology hospital of Bamako

Mali Médical; 28 (3), 2022
Aim: To assess the COVID-19 patients’ treatment duration according to the place of treatment at the Dermatology Hospital of Bamako (DHB). Methods: This was a cross-sectional study comparing the management of COVID-19 PCR-positive patients in the hospital to that of those managed at home from March 2020...