Results: 4

A description of sodium valproate, lamotrigine and levetiracetam consumption in the Western Cape public sector

South African Family Practice; Vol 64, No 1 : Part 3| a5546 (1), 2022
Background: The rational use of medicine is fundamental to ensure effective and safe patient medicine treatment, and hence, should be monitored. Undisputable evidence exists for the teratogenic risk factors associated with sodium valproate. Consequently, the Western Cape Department of Health introduced a...

A description of sodium valproate, lamotrigine and levetiracetam consumption in the Western Cape public sector

The rational use of medicine is fundamental to ensure effective and safe patient medicine treatment, and hence, should be monitored. Undisputable evidence exists for the teratogenic risk factors associated with sodium valproate. Consequently, the Western Cape Department of Health introduced a policy (201...

Comparative assessment of young people's psychosocial, economic state and reproductive health needs between total and partial lockdown states of Nigeria

Introduction: In Nigeria, adolescents and young adults, age 10-24 years constitute 32% of the entire population. They are particularly vulnerable when disasters occur, such as in the current pandemic. Existing events and circumstances including the various pandemic-related movement restrictions (lock-dow...

Apport de la TDM thoracique pour le dépistage de la COVID-19 et impact médico-économique de la pandémie à COVID-19 au service de radiologie de Fann (Dakar-Sénégal)
Contribution of thoracic CT for COVID-19 screening and medico-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the radiology department of Fann (Dakar-Senegal)

J. afr. imag. méd; 13 (1), 2021
Objectifs :Évaluer l’apport de la TDM thoracique dans le diagnostic des patients suspects de COVID-19en comparaison avec la technique de référence (RT-PCR) et déterminer l’impact médico-économique de la COVID-19 au service de radiologie du CHU de Fann. Matériels et méthodes: Il s’agi...