Results: 3

Pattern of liver enzymes and maternal outcome in eclamptic patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, University College Hospital, Nigeria

Introduction: Eclampsia, a hypertensive disorder, is one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in developing countries like Nigeria. We evaluated the relationship between the pattern of liver enzymes and maternal mortality in eclamptic women. Method: A retrospective study of 55 eclamptic women admi...

Cadmium and Mercury Exposure: Oxidative, Neurobehavioural and Histological Alterations to the Cerebellum of Wistar Rats

Ibom Medical Journal; 15 (2), 2022
Background: The unprecedented increase in metal exposure has been aided by modern industrialization and anthropogenic activities. Cadmium and mercury are recognized as two of the most common heavy metals with destructive impacts on most organ systems. The present study was designed to investigate and imp...

Afecção Pulmonar pelo Vírus SARS-CoV-2: Clínica e Diagnóstico

O pulmão é o órgão que diariamente está exposto e é agredido por diferentes infecções e poluentes do meio ambiente e do local de trabalho. O coronavírus SARS-CoV-2 é o agressor mais recente que chega ao pulmão através das células respiratórias das vias aéreas superiores e com enorme capaci...