Results: 5

Déterminants communes et différents de l’utilisation des services de planification familiale dans trois communes à faible prévalence contraceptive du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Niger

Cet article intitulé«Déterminants communs et différents de l’utilisation des services de Planification Familiale danstrois communes à faible prévalence contraceptive du Burkina Faso, du Mali et du Nigeresttiré des résultats d’une étude transversale quantitative,menée par un consort...

Impact of COVID-19 on the antenatal care services utilization in the region of Guelmim Oued Noun, Morocco

Background: Globally, the covid-19 pandemic has seriously impacted access to healthcare facilities across the world, although there is little evidence on how the pandemic affects the use of essential healthcare in the world. Objective: This study sought to evaluate the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on ...

Barriers to utilization of sexual and reproductive health services among young deaf persons in Ghana

Despite significant progress made to improve access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services to the general populace in Ghana, information on the accessibility of such services to deaf persons is limited. This study investigated access to and utilization of SRH services among young female deaf pe...

Economic burden of obstetric fistula among patients in the National Obstetric Fistula Centre, Nigeria

Background: Obstetric fistula (OF) continues to be a major health problem in developing countries such as Nigeria. It is a communication between the vagina and bladder/rectum following prolonged obstructed labor that leads to urine/and fecal leakage per vaginam. There is a paucity of information on cost ...

Routine Health Information System Data Quality and Associated Factors in Selected Public Health Facilitiesof Jigjiga Woreda, Somali Regional State’s,Eastern Ethiopia

Background: Health data quality are limited within the health sectors of low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). Although public health decision-making is mainly dependent on the timely availability of quality data, the quality of healthdata is not satisfactory in some countries, including in t...