Results: 14

Predictors of age at first marriage among rural women in the West Guji Zone, Southern Ethiopia, 2024: a community-based cross-sectional study

BACKGROUND: Age at first marriage is crucial for a woman’s life prospects. Rural women are more likely to marry at an early age. This study focused on identifying the factors that influence the age at first marriage.METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in the West Guji Zone, southern Ethiopia...

Age, gender and household infrastructural inequality in COVID-19: Contextual analysis of Mamelodi

Background: Age, gender and household infrastructure are important social determinants affecting health inequalities. This study aims to assess the ways that age and gender of the household head and household infrastructure intersect to create relative advantage and disadvantage in COVID-19 vulnerability...

BOHEMIA a cluster randomized trial to assess the impact of an endectocide-based one health approach to malaria in Mozambique: baseline demographics and key malaria indicators

Malar. j. (Online); 22 (1), 2023
Many geographical areas of sub-Saharan Africa, especially in rural settings, lack complete and up-to-date demographic data, posing a challenge for implementation and evaluation of public health interventions and carrying out large-scale health research. A demographic survey was completed in Mopeia distri...

Perception and willingness to the uptake of COVID-19 vaccine among household-heads in a rural community of South-Western Nigeria

Background:The COVID-19 pandemic and its vaccine have been met with varying perceptions that may have both negative and positive effects on the willingness to uptake the COVID-19 vaccine. The study is set to determine the perception and willingness of the household ...

Third party disability of family members of adults with dysphagia

Background: Third-party disability (TPD) has been studied in multiple patients including those with aphasia and hearing loss. Only one study has been done in relation to caregivers of adults with dysphagia. Third-party disability has been analysed using the International Classification of Function and Di...

Incidences de la présence des garde-malades sur la prise en charge médicale des patients. Etude menée au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Brazzaville

La gestion du malade dans l‟univers hospitalier implique non seulement le personnel soignant, mais aussi d‟autres acteurs sociaux encore moins connus des gestionnaires des structures hospitalières et des catégories socio professionnelles y évoluant. Parmi ces acteurs encore moins connu, il y a le ...

Catastrophic health expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa: systematic review and meta-analysis

Bull. W.H.O. (Online); 105 (5), 2022
Objective To estimate the incidence of, and trends in, catastrophic health expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa. Methods :We systematically reviewed the scientific and grey literature to identify population-based studies on catastrophic health expenditure in sub-Saharan Africa published between 2000 and 202...

Sexual behaviours and their associated factors among young people in the Dodowa Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (DHDSS) in Ghana

Ghana med. j; 56 (3 suppl), 2022
Objective: This paper describes sexual behaviours and their associated factors among young people. Design: The study design is cross-sectional. Setting: Dodowa Health and Demographic Surveillance Site (DHDSS) in Ghana’s Shai-Osudoku and Ningo Prampram districts. Participants: Young people aged 10 to 24...

Latent tuberculosis infection in family members in household contact with active tuberculosis patients in Semarang City, Central Java, Indonesia

A quarter of the world’s population is infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb), 10% of cases develop active tuberculosis (TB), and 90% have a latent TB infection. Family members of TB patients have the highest potential for latent TB infection. This study aims to identify latent TB infection an...

Provincial differentials of the effect of internal migration on teenage fertility in South Africa

This study investigated the association between internal migration and teenage fertility in South Africa. Data were from the 2007 and 2016 South African community surveys, N2007= 89800 and N2016=239733, age range 12 to 19, black teenagers= 81.5% and 89.4%, respectively. Results showed that between 2007 a...