Results: 3

Willingness of WHO staff to work in health emergencies in the African Region: opportunity for phased deployment of staff and ensure continuity of health services

Pan Afr. med. j; 47 (NA), 2024
A human resource base that ensures appropriate deployment of staff to emergencies, addressing different shock events in emergencies, without disrupting continuity of service is germane to a successful response. Consequently, the WHO Health Emergencies programme in the African Region, in collaboration wit...

Knowledge, fear, and willingness to accept covid-19 vaccine among residents of Gere lga, Borno state, Nigeria

kanem j. med. sci; 16 (1), 2023
Background: Coronavirus (COVID-19) which emerged from Wuhan, Hubei province, China has gained tremendous attention. It has caused huge morbidity and mortality as well as a visible psychological burden on communities across the globe. Knowledge, fear, and willingness to accept COVID-19 Vaccine are reporte...

Menstrual hygiene management in public high schools in Ghana

African Health Sciences; 22 (1), 2022
in the ten (10) regions of Ghana. The findings showed that most girls in Public Senior High Schools in Ghana had prior knowledge about menstruation from their mothers and sisters prior to menarche. It was revealed that majority of the girls mentioned hormones as the cause of menstruation, whilst others m...