Results: 2

Profile of multidrug-resistant clinical bacterial isolates at the National Hospital of Zinder (NHZ), Niger Republic in 2021

Background: Today, bacterial resistance is a public health challenge throughout the world, and infections caused by resistant bacteria are associated with increased morbidity, mortality and health care costs. The objective of this descriptive study is to determine the prevalence and distribution of multi...

Emergence of nosocomial-acquired extensively drug-resistant and pandrug-resistant Enterobacterales in a teaching hospital in Kuwait

Contexte: L’émergence et la montée en puissance des infections causées par des isolats d’entérobactéries ultrarésistantes (XDR) et pandrug-résistantes (PDR) constituent un sérieux défi clinique et de santé publique. L’isolement de bactéries Gram-négatives PDR (GNB) en milieu clinique es...