Results: 6

Utilization of Secondhand Childcare productsand Perceived Health Risks among Mothers of Under-Five Years Children in Ibadan Metropolis, Nigeria

Background: Second-hand economy is a universal phenomenon. In Nigeria, it cut across many decades and all spectrums of life even in childcarepractice. The role of second-hand products in childcare practice and provisioning has been under reported in scholarly discuss in Nigeria. Hence,the prevalen...

National action plan on antimicrobial resistance: An evaluation of implementation in the World Health Organization Africa region

In line with global instruments, within the last five years, two-thirds of all countries in the WHO Africa Region (WHO AFR) have developed a National Action Plan (NAP) on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). We sought to evaluate progress made across the countries implementing NAP for effective response to AM...

Evaluating awareness of health risks and self-reported symptoms among nail technicians in Johannesburg, South Africa – a pilot study

Background: The professional nailcare industry is expanding rapidly in South Africa. Nail treatment involves the use of solvents and acrylates. Exposure to these chemicals is associated with skin, eye, and respiratory tract irritation, and neurological and reproductive health effects. Objective: To test ...

Noise exposure abatement: a perspective from industry occupational health risk assessment reports

Background: Occupational health risk assessments are building blocks for occupational health programmes, allowing for the rating of identified risks and the continuous re-evaluation of the effectiveness of abatement measures. In South African industry, occupational health risk assessments are formally do...

Risk communication and community engagement in COVID-19: Fighting infodemics among non-governmental/community-based organizations in Africa

As the world battles the latest strain of the coronavirus known as COVID-19 characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO), “infodemics” – an excessive amount of (mostly untrue) information about the pandemic that makes it difficult to discern essential information – has been ...

The quality of water in small community supplies of Kingolwira village; Morogoro; Tanzania

Water quality is an important aspect in human health; as the majority of infectious diseases that cause morbidity and mortality in population are water related. The present study was undertaken to assess the quality of water in Kingolwira; Morogoro Rural District; Tanzania. Water was collected from diffe...