A human resource base that ensures appropriate deployment of staff to emergencies, addressing different shock events in emergencies, without disrupting continuity of service is germane to a successful response. Consequently, the WHO Health Emergencies programme in the African Region, in collaboration wit...
This study attempts to analyze access to the services of the Kalembelembe Pediatric Hospital in order to identify the factors that predispose access to the health services of this facility. The aim is to identify the factors influencing access to health care services offered by the Kalembelembe Pediatric...
Introduction : L’une des missions de l’Institut National d’Hygiène est de prévenir et contrôler les maladies transmissibles et autres urgences de santé publique à travers ses services compétents.
En situation de crises sanitaires comme une épidémie, les besoins augmentent et alors les
Background: Persons with disabilities generally face greater challenges in accessing healthcare and interventions compared with the general population. Malaria is one of the diseases that can seriously affect individuals with disabilities, as it requires early diagnosis and prompt treatment.
Objective: T...
Introduction: Around 80% of factors that determine population health sit outside the control of health services. It is essential we influence these factors in addition to those within the remit of health services in order to improve and protect the health of population in a developing country. Public hea...
Objective: To identify and compare the health service-related factors associated with male involvement in family planning services among the rural and urban areas in Abia State, Nigeria.
Design: A community-based cross-sectional study.
Setting: Twelve communities (six urban and six rural) in Abia State, ...
Globally, COVID-19 has impacted lives and livelihoods. Women living with HIV and/or at high risk of acquiring HIV are socially and economically vulnerable. Less is known of the impact of COVID-19 public health responses on women from key and vulnerable populations. The purpose of this cross-sectional sur...
Saúde é um estado de completo bem-estar físico, mental e social e não apenas a ausência de doença ou enfermidade (OMS, 2006). Qualquer estratégia de acção em saúde pública não se pode, em tempo de pandemia ou não, restringir a uma componente isolada sob pena de se estar a cometer um erro de ...