Results: 9

Points of entry dynamics: understanding the cross-border threats for Ebola virus disease and COVID-19 in Ghana using a logic model approach

Background. The influx of people across the national borders of Ghana has been of interest and concern in the public health and national security community in recent times due to the low capacity for the prevention and management of epidemics and other public health risks. Although the International Heal...

Ebola outbreak in Guinea, 2021: Clinical care of patients with Ebola virus disease

Background: Experience from the Zaire Ebolavirus epidemic in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (2018–2020) demonstrates that early initiation of essential critical care and administration of Zaire Ebolavirus specific monoclonal antibodies may be associated with improved outcomes among patien...

Mathematical modelling approach of the study of Ebola virus disease transmission dynamics in a developing country

Background: Ebola Virus causes disease both in human and non-human primatesespecially in developing countries. In 2014 during its outbreak, it led to majority of deaths especially in some impoverished area of West Africa and its effect is still witnessed up till date. ...

Dixième épidémie d'Ebola en République Démocratique du Congo: défis majeurs relevés dans la prise en charge médicale

PAMJ - One Health; 9 (NA), 2022
Identifié depuis 1976, le filovirus Ebola est la cause d´une maladie caractérisée principalement par un syndrome grippale inaugural avec une fièvre quasi permanente suivi des signes digestifs: diarrhée, vomissement à la base de la déshydratation. La mort survient souvent dans un tableau de défai...

Support for the response to COVID-19 in Uganda: contribution of the global health security program at Makerere University's Infectious Diseases Institute

Afr. health sci. (Online); 22 (2 Special Issue: Makerere@100), 2022
Background: Outbreaks are occurring at increasing frequency and they require multisectoral and multi-stakeholder involvement for optimal response. The Global Health Security Agenda is a framework that governments and other stakeholders can use to strengthen countries’ capacities to prevent, detect and ...

Rapid diagnostic tests versus RT–PCR for Ebola virus infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Bull. W.H.O. (Print); 100 (7), 2022
Objective To evaluate the clinical accuracy of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of Ebola virus. Methods We searched MEDLINE®, Embase® and Web of Science for articles published between 1976 and October 2021 reporting on clinical studies assessing the performance of Ebola virus rapid diagnostic t...

Information needs and sources for ebola virus disease among staff of a college of medicine in ENUGU, Nigeria

This study was carried out to ascertain the information needs and sources for Ebola among staff of College of Medicine, Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) Enugu. The study adopted the descriptive survey design. A total of 200 questionnaires were used to elicit informatio...